(6) EndGame

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1978 October 29th 10:00 am

Y/N 's POV :

as i got up and ready for the day i went and sat on the couch ti look for something to put on and looked at my phone for a while. for some reason the only person who bothered to text me was bruce. how come nobody else has texted me? i read his text,

'hey! you should come to my game today and we can hangout after.' - 'of course what time?'- '12:30. ill see ya then!'

it will be a while until 12:30 so i decide to continue looking for something to watch and see if anyone else texts me. but i could feel something was wrong. ive always been one to know when something happened. but for some reason i think the problem might be me.

i shake my head. i need to stop worrying so much. i start looking on the tv channels until i find a horror movie. i finally end up on the exorcist. that would definitely distract me for a while.

a while after finishing the exorcist it was 12:20. i had about 10 minutes. i hurried and checked myself before i grabbed what i needed and headed out the door. it was pretty nice out and basically was perfect weather. i smiled as i got on my bike.

as i rode for about a minute i was passing finney's house. i could see by his backyard that everyone was hanging out. finney, gwen, donna, and even robin. i couldn't help but feel a little left out. they looked like they were having a good time making jokes sitting down in the grass. my smile from before slowly dropped as i continued to go to the game.

i finally arrived just in time and got a good seat. i saw bruce on the field and he waved at me. my heart pounded a little as i waved back and he smiled. i looked over to ny right and saw his little sister amy, she sat right next to me. "hey y/n! let me guess, bruce invited you?" - "yeah.." i said kinda awkwardly with a weird nod. i could feel my face get a bit red as the game continued on.

a while through the game amy whispered into my ear. "my brother likes you alot, and im unable to tell if you actually like him or not. so just incase, if you decide you dislike him or anything please dont hurt him. let him down easy." - i found it a bit suprising but didnt show it on my face. "of course. i promise i wont hurt him." i said as i held up my pinky. she crossed her pinky against mine as we both smiled then continued to look at the game.

amy is so sweet. she really would do anything for bruce. i just hope she knows i would never do anything like that. but my reputation sadly says otherwise. im basically just 'Y/N reckless fighter with major daddy issues'. i wanna become something different. not just the angry girl with daddy issues.

finally the game ended with bruce and his team winning. (bc of him obviously) i grabbed my stuff and headed down the bleachers and waited for bruce as i saw him walking over to me.

"im glad you actually came y/n." - "i wouldn't pass the chance not too. you did great out there congrats." i smiled as i put a hand on his shoulder. he immediately flustered. "u-uhm anyway, i can go get changed into normal clothes then we can figure out where we wanna go." i nodded. "alright, i know the perfect place!"

after he changed we got on our bikes and he followed after me. i took a glance back every once in a while to make sure he was catching up with me. we finally arrived at a secluded garden. i made him follow me to a great big tree with just enough shade. i laid down a blanket and we both sat down on it.

"wow this place is great. i never knew it existed. how did you find this?" - "my mom has been taking me here since i was little. i go here whenever i have nothing to do."

i laid down on my back and looked up at all the branches of the tree above us. the wind blowing down on me. "so bruce, tell me more about you." - "huh? about me?" - "yeah anything." - "okay well uh, i love dogs, baseball, the color blue, sunny days, quiet moments, and i absolutely love tulips. kinda girly dont you think?" - i laughed. "kinda, but there is nothing wrong with that."

i sat up and looked next to me, bruce seemed very happy. i put my knees against my chest and took a glance at the grass. then i remembered. everyone hanging out without me. none of them even bothered to text me. the feeling in my chest wasnt great. how come they didnt invite me? why do i feel like something is wrong? i just want this feeling to end.

bruce looked and noticed a sad look on my face. "hey.. is something wrong?.." - "e-everything is fine. dont worry. hey how about i just tell you about me." - bruce didnt buy it a bit. but decided to just listen to what i was gonna say. "well i love the rain, cats and dogs, the color red, being alone, being with all my friends, and roses. which now that i think about it loving roses is kinda basic." i let out a sigh and let my legs out and put one on top of the other.

"better than loving tulips." he said with a laugh. he started to lean over the side and grab something. it was two dandelions. he handed me one. "make a wish!" i closed my eyes as i held the dandelion in my hand. 'i wish to be happy' i finally opened my eyes and blew all the seeds of the stem perfectly. we both compared ours and saw we both were able to take out all the seeds perfectly.

"i guess both our wishes will come true." i said with a smile as i looked up at bruce. my heart skipped a beat as he smiled back. i think this may be it. he will be the boy i need. i threw the stem of the flower before looking at bruce again. he was incredibly good looking. very cute, but also cheesy. i wonder what people would think if someone like me got with someone like him.

"uh y/n.." - "yeah?.."- "this is weird but... i really like you and i just cant hold in my feelings anymore. i will understand if you dont feel the same i just had to say it." timing was impeccable. i let out a laugh in my head. "actually i do feel the same way. i would love to be your girlfriend." inside i was dying. but held up my confidence. im still a fighter after all.

he looked so happy to hear me say those words. his smile was so genuine and sweet. "may i?" he said as he leaned into me, looking into my eyes then down to my lips. i couldnt just say no. "you may.."

my heart sank as he finally kissed me on the lips. it felt amazing. but then again it felt wrong. maybe i shouldnt be doing this. but then again its to late and i still have so much time to decide wether this really is wrong. i brushed the thought off quickly as we released from the kiss.

"that was great, thank you." - bruce smiled down at me as he was still kinda on top of me. i smiled back as i started to play with his hair as he layed down next to me.

1326 words

guys im sooo sorry!! i really need to stop taking breakss! but dont worry im working on the next few chapters immediately.

love, annika 🖤📸

𝑺𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 (Vance Hopper x Y/N) - The Black Phone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now