(8) Decided

185 1 0

1978 October 30th 2:00 PM

thank god i got out of that lunchroom earlier. everyone was only focused on me and bruce. it was scary how stuff spreads fast.

i entered the bathroom and went to the mirror. i started to fix my hair a little before i started to hear someone talking.

"i honestly cant believe he would go for someone as violent as her! i mean he has to be scared a little that shes gonna murder him in his sleep AHAH!" - that voice ringed in my ears on how annoying it was. but i immediately recognized it. it was Mia Anderson.

soon another voice spoke, "we really should convince him to break up with her, im genuinely worried ahahah!" - after the last voice spoke i realized they were in the stalls right behind me. and it was pretty obvious who they were talking about.

but im not scared. i leaned against the sink and crossed my arms as i waited for them to exit the stall. they kept annoyingly laughing and saying comments about me. but finally they both came out.

"If you're gonna talk shit why not just take the chance to say it to my face?" - i said moving closer to her and her friend. they both looked stunned. "Are you deaf? say it to my face." - i raised my voice a bit more than before but they still didn't say anything.

"u-uhm we weren't talking about you... it was about someone else.." - mias friend said as she tried to slowly step away from me. "im not a fucking idiot. theres nobody else that matches your guy's description."

"Mia, this is your last chance before i actually punch the shit out of both of you. Say it to my FUCKING face." - after that mias friend ran out of the bathroom and mia tried to follow behind her but i grabbed her arm quick enough and pulled her over to me.

mia tried to pull away but i pulled her backwards and punched her in the face, she screamed in pain and fell to the floor. man the relief it gave me to finally punch the shit out of her. but she didnt wake up i totally knocked her out.

i leaned over and checked her pulse, she was still breathing okay but there was blood running from her nose. i got up and left the bathroom. her friend was most likely snitching already.

as soon as i arrived back in class the bell rang to leave. as i walked out to get on my bike i could see mias friend talking to a teacher but i quickly left, its not like she has proof lol. but i did start to think about how robin would react. 'its just to be popularrr' i mocked robin in my head.

if anything i should be the only one mad right now, i have no idea why hes upset in the first place. he knew i hated Mia and cancelled on me anyway. and what the hell was i gonna do for halloween?

i got on my bike and pedaled a bit fast, i just wanted to get home honestly. but i was hungry, i didnt really eat lunch after all. i turned around and rode my bike to the grab n go. thats when i started to remember vance. i wonder if ill see him today. but then again i shouldn't he thinking about him.

i have a boyfriend after all. but i am a bit curious, i never really got a good glimpse of his face. i arrived and set my bike aside and took a deep breath before i went in. i didn't see him near the entrance. i went and got my food without second guessing it. i grabbed some chips and cola and headed over to the cashier.

"Oh your that psychopath who likes Vance Hopper." - psychopath? thats a bit much. "so im crazy for defending him? gosh people are so sensitive." i said as i handed him my stuff. he rolled his eyes. i looked down while he was counting the total before i get aggressively tapped on the shoulder.

i turned over and saw the one and only robin. "why the hell did you punch mia!?" - "because she didnt have the guts to say shit to my face. kinda reminds me of you. speaking of, what the hell did i do?" - i turned over to him and ignored the cashier telling me my total.

"dont play dumb y/n! your purposely doing this shit on purpose!"- "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU MEAN. and why do you care about mia anyway? i thought you just wanted to be 'popularr'." - i continued to mock him and we were slowly getting closer to each other and basically were screaming.

"DIDNT YOU JUST GET WITH YAMADA?" - "THAT LITERALLY DOESNT MATTER. AT ALL. STOP AVOIDING IT. WHY IS EVERYONE MAD AT ME?" - before i could get an answer from robin the cashier interrupts us, "are you paying or what?" - i gave him the money and yanked my stuff from the table before i pushed robin backwards almost making him fall.

"pequeño coño estúpido!" - robin whispered as he tried to stand still. i turned around and left out the door before i heard someone behind me. "whats his problem?" - it turned over to my left and saw Vance sitting on a bench smoking a cigarette.

my heart pounded. he scared the shit out of me that it caused me to jump. did he hear everything? even the part about me defending him? i caught my breath and decided to be bold and sit next to him.

i set my stuff aside and turned to look at him, he was staring straight at me. "hes very stubborn, and doesn't like to admit what's wrong." i said to respond to his question from earlier. "your y/n right?" - vance said while still staring straight at me, his voice was harsh.

"uhh yeah, and from what i know of your vance hopper." - "so what did you mean when you said you defended me?" - he interrupted immediately after i responded. okay this is really embarrassing. "well, the other day when you were fighting those kids and got arrested i stood up for you too the cashier. but dont boost your ego, i didnt say much."

vance started to smile a little and let out a laugh. "what exactly did you say y/n?" - he said staring into my eyes, i was trying so hard to keep myself together. i have a boyfriend! i need to stop. "u-uh i just said you weren't a lunatic, and it was the other guys fault for knocking into your game. they walked right into that." - at this point vance was so close to me i could feel his hot breath right next to my face. his eyes were basically glued to mine, he would not break eye contact.

"not alot of people would do that for me. its kinda surprising. you dont even know me." - vance said while throwing his cigarette on the ground. "thanks." - he said before he stood up and grabbed his phone. "whats your number y/n?" - OMG. he wanted my number!? "***-***-****" - vance typed it in and saved me as a contact.

"we should hangout sometime. and don't worry about robin, he'll come around." - i nodded as vance left with a few of his friends. my hands started shaking. i turned over and saw robin leave the store, he looked pissed. but i ignored him. i was still processing what just happened.

as i rode my bike home i still couldn't stop thinking of vance. and even though i wasn't cheating i still felt bad for talking to him. if bruce knew how i really felt i would definitely be single by now.

when i got home i set my stuff in the kitchen and checked my phone. there was a text from bruce.
bruce : hey are you doing anything tomorrow?

me : so far no, why?

bruce : my friends are throwing a party. wanna come? you dont have to dress up and can invite some friends if you want.

me : yeah okay! sounds fun.
today was slowly becoming better. i couldnt believe the luck i was getting! i ate dinner and got ready for bed. tomorrow will definitely be interesting.
1401 words

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𝑺𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 (Vance Hopper x Y/N) - The Black Phone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now