(4) Too Many Boys

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1978 October 28th 9:00 am

i got up like usual to get ready, but my mother wasnt home. i walked into the kitchen to see a note, "i have to be away for a while sweetie for a buisness trip i didnt wanna wake you up though to tell you, i love you call me if you need anything!! ***-***-****"

i have a feeling today is gonna be alot. i sighed and finished getting ready and went off to clean the house. while i cleaned i thought about what i should do for the day, i wondered if madison was free but her parents are kinda strict anyways. then i heard a knock at the door, i saw billy waving politely through the window.

i jumped up happily to the door, "Billy!" hugging him almost immediately l, "hey y/n i was wondering if we could hang out today?" he said while returning the hug. though i think he already knew the answer based on how happy i was for someone to fulfill my day. "yeah!" - "great how about we go to the grab n go and get some snacks?" once he said grab n go my mind went back to vance, what if he was gonna be there! "Sure let me just go get dressed!" i ran up to my room and billy waited for me on the couch.

i didnt want to wear something very good just something casual for going to the store while not looking bummy. it was very early in the morning after all. i put on (whatever you want :) lol) i did my finally touchings to me and my outfit and ran downstairs and me and billy started to head out.

"hey billy why dis you wanna hangout anyway?" - "i thought about what you said, i cant stay mad at you forever. and plus i miss us being close i just wanna go back to how it was." i smiled as we continued on. it took about 10 minutes before we arrived there.

before i walked in i looked for vance through the window hoping both he wouldn't be there but would. i didn't get to see him after all. me and billy headed our way to the icee machine and got our cups, but only before i slammed my head into someone's chest.

"SHIT! *bonks on floor*" - i stood there as they fell only to notice it was robin. "Watch where your going next time loser!" i said as i picked him up to his feet and gave him a gentle slap on the face. me and billy were getting slushies as robin looked at us through one of the isles of the store, is he jealous or something? hes the one who wanted to hang out with mia.

before anything else happened i got a bright idea. i whispered to billy, "dont say anything i need you to put ur arm around me as we walk out" billy looked shocked but did it anyway. we walked and payed still with his arm around me, i could feel robins rage even from outside the store.

once we were out of sight billy removed his arm, "so what was that for?" - "wait you couldnt tell how mad robin was? he was basically digging his eyes into us!" - "okay okay! but why was he mad?" - " i actually dont know, i never really though he liked me or anything. oh what if he had a crush on you!" i said while i playfully pushed him

"noooo" - after that we just kept making jokes about robin as we walked, " y/n wanna watch a movie together at the cinema?" billy asked with a very bright smile, "of course!" we headed our way to the cinema, the last time i went to the movies was when i was very little so i basically forgot all about it.

there wasnt too much people there yet though, me and billy looked at the movies that were about to show, we decided to go with halloween since it was almost halloween. billy got our tickets and i bought our snacks which were pretty cheap to be honest.

we went in and got seated about only 5 other people in the theater, since the movie didnt start yet i told billy i was gonna go to the bathroom, once i entered the bathroom i got a whiff of very strong febreeze, i felt like i was gonna choke. after that i went to wash my hands as a little girl came up to the sink and started to fix her hair.

wait.. thats amy yamada! amy was bruce yamadas sister he was practically a god at sports he beat finneys team at baseball last week. i figured if shes here bruce has to be here too, then all of a sudden she spoke " arent you y/n? my brother has like the biggest crush on you!" - way to drop the love bomb kid. i was in shock i hid it in my face but inside i was dying like literally! "oh wow is he here?" in my head it felt like i was just being desperate.

" yeah me him and some of his baseball friends are here watching halloween, what are you doing here?" - " me and a friend are watching halloween too" i feared we would be in the same room for the movie. " imagine he was sat near you haha anyways i have to go before he worrys about me!" what a sick little child.

both me and her walked out though to make it even worse bruce was right there! (in y/ns head) - OMG OMG OMG OMG KILL ME NOW OMG OMG OMG KILL ME NOW - (and were back) bruces face was in a bit of shock and he was blushing like crazy. "what took you so long amy?" - " i was just talking to y/n!" she smiled then ran away to go inside the movie room.

i decided to break the tension since he was obviously dying right there, "so what are you doing here?" - " yeah uh me and my bb friends are here to celebrate winning our last game, we would've done it earlier if everyone was free but yeahh" i know this sounds crazy but i just wanted to kiss him, he was unbelievably handsome and had a crush on me! what was i supposed to do?!

"so what were y'all talking about?.." i wanted to tell him badly but i decided to not make him worry. " not a lot we just were talking" i gave him a smile. he sighed in relief not to small of a sight but loud enough for me to hear. "uhm y/n?.." - "yeah?" - "would you maybe wanna hang out sometime?" FINALLY. finallyyyyyyy!! " yes i would love too!" i basically gave him the biggest smile and he did the same back. we exchanged numbers quickly.

we both made our way to the movie and before we walked in he asked me who i was with, i told him just a friend so he wouldnt get any ideas. i looked up to billy and saw that bruces friends were basically right beside us only a few seats away. me and bruce made our way to our seats.

"i thought you went missing or something you took forever" i laughed as the movie started. throughout the whole time billy was basically getting scared of everything, you would expect me to be the one scared but when it came to these type of movies i felt nothing. not to brag but ive never even had a single nightmare in my whole life span. except the time i had a dream that my mother went missing. but it wasnt that really scary.

i decided to grab on to billys hand since it was like every second he was moving. he held it a bit tight but not alot. the rest of the movie he was fine since i was there but it made me question, did he like me? nahh me and him are just friends. but he did seem to be calmer once i grabbed his hand. i decided not to over think it though.

the movie was great in the end, me and billy grabbed all our trash and threw it out and made our way outside the cinema. it was raining a bit hard but i wasnt wearing a jacket or a hoodie so billy decided to give me his since he has a extra hoodie. i didnt really think much of it tho.

we headed to my house as i gave him back his hoodie and we both said goodbye. i kept thinking about bruce but at the same time i thought about robin, vance, and billy. i felt like i had to choose between them but i didn't know how. i havent got to see vance in a while and it feels like i just have a silly crush yk like a hallway one. robin obviously likes mia right? billy has to only see me as a friend! and bruce.. he likes me!

and i like bruce. i cant let anything ruin it either.

Words : 1535

Sorry i havent been active yall but im trying to! i made a new part that shows all the cast so go check it out! hope you guys enjoyed! ❤️⭐️❤️

𝑺𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 (Vance Hopper x Y/N) - The Black Phone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now