(3) Vance Hopper

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1978 October 27th 4:21 pm

i got home a bit later than usual due to what happened, when i was on my way up the stairs i sent a look to my uncle that said, "dont be a fucking snitch" and headed into my room. my room wasnt that shitty but had a bunch of posters covering the walls and if it didnt have a poster it would be a hole in the wall or a photograph.

remember that girl i looked at during the fight? i couldn't stop thinking of her, its like she suddenly invaded my mind. yeah i know its a bit weird to think of a girl who was basically stuck but i couldn't help it. she was very pretty, and i mean a-lot of girls are but she was different.


"VANCE!! GET UR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" - my thoughts we're finally interrupted by my dad. he screamed over and over while i walked down the stairs and into the living room. and yet there he was sitting on his chair while my uncle was on the couch looking at his phone, and hid his laugh as soon as i entered the room, that snitch.

(you already know whats gonna happen so ima skip a little)

"Do you realize how bad of an image ur giving me? ur uncle? ur family? yourself?" - i stayed silent while he ranted about how I'm ruining our reputation, and honestly its kinda annoying. i mean if he wasn't such a shitty dad maybe i wouldn't been this way. "ive had about enough of you. and tou know what?" - he started laughing out of nowhere. (is bro freaky?) " next time i hear something happen ur ass is going to the fucking mental hospital you hear me!?"

My head shot up as soon as he said that, what the hell! i mean i did overreact but wtf. it was like a million thoughts came across my head. would he actually? did he say anything to my uncle? "YOUR A FUCKING BITCH!" i screamed at him out of nowhere. he stood there shocked, I've never stood up to him since i was very small.

Before he could say something i ran up to my room almost punching the wall on the way. surprisingly for the rest of the night i didn't hear anything from him. once i sat back down in my bed i heard a ding from my phone, it was connor.


Hey man! so what even happened?


i got in trouble with the cops but i'm aight, what are you doing?


Nothing.. hey uh so i have to tell you something but remember it wasn't my idea!




Soo you know how we were supposed to throw that party for halloween? yeah uh Shane recently got in trouble with his parents and he cant throw it at his house anymore... but thats not it. His parents heard what happened today so once we find a new place for the party you cant go..


and who says i cant go? i can do whatever the fuck i want asshole.


he knew you would say that so he told me to tell you that if you even step a foot near the party there calling the cops and canceling ittt and you know what will happen if he does.. so i just want you to do this once for me and not come and fuck up ur life more. so please? 🙏




i put my phone on silent and threw it on my bedside, i can't believe Shane ain't letting me go and threatening to call the cops? that fucking dick. i could easily throw him under the bus if anything happened though.

it was still not that late so i decided to go out and chill outside. i went to the schools track where there were still kids practicing. Robin Arellano was running and a few other kids i knew. Mia Anderson sat on a bench watching him like a puppy. Me and her dated last year , never again.

I sat against the brick wall of the school and lit a cigarette, i could see robin stop in the distance and make his way towards me. "Vance! hey what's up man? i heard what happened, who were the kids that messed with you??" okay that was very quick. "i have no idea who they were but i know they aren't in our grade." I laughed moving the smoke from my cigarette away from robins face to not get it in his eyes.

"how come ur practicing so late?" - "our next track race is a bit before Christmas break and i've been busy outside of school and haven't been able to make it too practice, what about you why are you here right now?" - "i just needed to get away from some things at home, yk how it gets. you gonna explain that?" robin looked confused, but i pointed in mias direction who was playing on her phone and he realized. "oh dont worry its not like that or anything!! im just with her to get into the popular group." i must've made a face at him which caused him to stay silent.

i sighed, "whats with you always wanting to be popular? you know how horrible those guys are. you need to stay away from them." - "i dont know.." he looked at the ground while trying to say something that just wouldn't come out. before i could do anything mia called his name. "ROBINNN COME BACKK"  "HOLD ON! well thats my cue ill see you around vance stay out of trouble." he ran off and they clinged there arms together as robin grabbed his stuff and headed home. i later then went back home and got ready for bed.


Hey guys! i decided to do another short chapter and it might be like this for a bit. i wanted to give yall a bit of awareness of vances life before going back to y/ns view and i hope it helps develop the story more, and the point of the story will be coming soon!

remember to vote and comment! i love you all 💋

𝑺𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 (Vance Hopper x Y/N) - The Black Phone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now