(11) The Party

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1978 October 31st 7:15 PM

it started raining as we drove to the party. "Carry On Wayward Son" by Kansas started to play on the radio. bruce started to mumble the lyrics, his friends started to annoyingly sing it. i turned over my head to bruce with a 'are they okay?' look on my face, he started to laugh.

now that i think about it, me and bruce haven't really had that much time to hang out. like really hang out. knowing him he might ask me to soon since we wont be able to at the party. my attention started to shift back to the party as bruce stopped at a house, as we all stepped out you could hear the loud music coming from the inside of it.

we walked in and people immediately started to greet all of us. of course, i didn't see any of my friends there. i walked by bruce as he greeted almost our whole school, every once in a while someone he said hi to would also say hi to me. but it wasnt that often since some people choose to stay away from me.

finally, bruce was done talking to people and i had a few minutes to talk to him. we were standing in the living room near a window, "you having a good time so far?" he said as he moves my hair away from my face, "ehh.. i guess so. i dont really have any friends here though." before bruce could say anything about it his friends came over.

"YOO BRUCE! LETS GO PLAY SOME BEEEEEER PONGGGG!!!!" they said grabbing bruce immediately. he turned back to look at me mouthing 'ill be back!'. but im pretty sure its gonna be a while until then. i let out a sigh before i headed to the kitchen. i grabbed some chips and some dr. pepper. your crazy if you think im gonna go home drunk.

i went and laid down on a couch after a while of standing eating my chips in the kitchen. only thing i was thinking about was when i would run into vance. knowing him he's probably playing beer pong or lurking in a corner. all of a sudden i felt someone move my legs down and sit down where they once were. i look up and see the one and only vance, but he looked a bit upset.

i moved myself so i could be seated right next to him. "hey are you alright?" i said looking into his eyes. it kinda looked like he was almost going to cry. "i am now.." he said moving his long curly hair away from his face. "you wanna talk about it?.." - "maybe another time. thanks for asking though." i couldn't help but feel bad for vance even though i didn't know why he was upset.

"come with me." i said holding my hand out to him. he looked confused but grabbed it, i led him outside to the front of the house where nobody else was since they all were in the backyard or the house. i pulled him out in the road in the rain grabbing both of his hands and slowly spun us as i put my head up towards the sky.

to my surprise vance didnt stop me. didnt let go, yell, say i was childish, he just let me and started laughing as we came to a stop. i almost fell over as we stopped spinning, it started to rain harder and both of us were drenched. still holding on to his hands, he came closer to me and whispered into my ear. "your hair looks good wet.." i could feel my face getting red. he smirked at me as he dragged me over to the front porch.

"you go in first just incase, i dont want your boyfriend to get mad at you or anything." vance says as he tried to fix his hair. i nodded at him slowly almost zoning out just by looking at him. i went inside and sat back down on to the couch i was on earlier. a few minutes later vance came in looking like he was almost fully dry. he sat over in a chair close to the couch i was on.

i tried to not look at vance but it was a bit hard, i wanted to tell him his hair also looks good in the rain. but then other people would hear and spread rumors. i scrolled through my phone for a few minutes before i felt a light tap on the shoulder, it was finney. "hey can i talk to you?" - "uhm sure" i replied while walking over to a corner with him. and not to my suprise, robin, gwen, and donna were also there.

i could see vance at the corner of my eye staring at the 4 of them, it was almost like he could pounce any moment at them but i didnt know why. "you guys gonna finally tell me what i did?" i said staring robin up and down. "you know what you did y/n" robin said stepping closer to me. "no i DONT." i said back to him speaking louder than before. before robin could say any more, finney gave him a look.

"why are you even here? you bailed on me to be with mia." - " i did it so i could talk to you." - "so you do it to tell me something you couldve told me way before but not just to hangout with me like we usually do?" i said astonished. i was really fucking shocked. "okay, first off. that is completely different. your making me sound like a dick." - "MAYBE BECAUSE YOU ARE ONE" - "I AM NOT." - "FUCKING PROVE IT THEN BITCH!" - i yelled one more time at him as finney kept trying to stop us from yelling. more people started to notice us screaming at eachother but i didnt care.

"YOUR THE ONE WHO HUNG OUT WITH FUCKING BILLY SHOWALTER. BILLY. OUT OF EVERYONE. YOU KNOW WHAT HE DID TO FINN." he interrupts me as i try to speak, "YOU SAY IM JUST TRYING TO BE POPULAR, BUT YOU GET WITH BRUCE! THEN YOU START HANGING OUT WITH VANCE?" - i couldnt take it anymore and stood their frozen for a few moments as my anger started to rise. my breathing started to get heavier until i finally let it all out.


i turned over to look at finney who had his head in his hands and started to shake his head slowly. "YOU KNOW WHAT? COME TO ME WHEN YOU DO FUCKING BELIEVE ME ROBIN. UNTIL THEN STAY AWAY FROM ME." - i slapped him hard in his face. he immediately put his hands on it, everyone at the party was watching and said 'OOH!'. "you'll see who needs to get a FUCKING GRIP." i said before i walked away and through the crowd of people watching and whispering.

i could see bruce trying to get my attention but i ignored him, vance followed after me as i walked out and started to run. i didn't know where i was going, i had no way home and i didn't even wanna go there anyway. i didn't want my mom to see me like this. i started to hear vance call out my name and i stopped at a corner near a few houses. i slowly dropped down to the floor trying to catch my breath as vance caught up to me.

i started to hyperventilate and put my hand on my chest. it rained harder. tears slowly escaped from my eyes and i couldn't breathe. vance dropped to the ground in front of me as i struggled to breathe even more. "Y/N!" he froze for a moment not knowing what to do. he then pulled me in for a hug and started to slowly caress the back of my head. "breathe y/n. breathe." he whispered into my ear.

i started to breathe slowly, but tears just kept falling out of my eyes. i was so mad i started crying. i wanted to hurt robin. i wanted to.. hurt my best friend. i couldn't help but start to feel guilt for robin. maybe its my fault?..

"are you okay y/n?" vance said still hugging me and caressing the back of my head. i didn't say anything. i just continued to cry and wrap my arms around vance. he seemed to be the only thing keeping my from losing my shit right now.
1500 words

i really enjoyed writing this chapter y'all 😭

𝑺𝒌𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑶𝒗𝒆𝒓 (Vance Hopper x Y/N) - The Black Phone FanficWhere stories live. Discover now