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"Chan. You have been coming home later than usual, where have you been? We are screwed if the manager comes to check on us. You're just a burden to this group." He said annoyed.

Chan just rolled his eyes, annoyed at his hyungs.

"You do that too, Hoshi hyung. Let me do whatever fuck I want to. If I'm a burden to this group then so be it." Chan retorted.

Hoshi wanted to burst but Jeonghan calmed him down.

"Chan why are you like this? you can tell us everything." Jeonghan tried comforting the younger one.

"Like it will help. Nothing works in this world, hyung, deal with it. People change and I'm one of them. If you hate me that much then just ask the CEO to kick me out. Stop trying to comfort me, I'm not a child anymore." Chan tried keeping his temper.

Before Jeonghan could reply back, he heard a door slam.

"He changed."

Before I Go (Chan Seventeen)Where stories live. Discover now