Chapter 3

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(Throwing in Pov from now on)

Chan's Pov

What? Not even gonna come with me? Good job Kevin.

"They didn't change anything in my room?" Chan mumbled.

I started humming out a tune and walked out of my so-called room.

" The house is oddly silent though."

I kept walking around the house until I saw a figure standing on the balcony. I walked towards the figure and saw it was Seungkwan hyung. I went in front of him and waved my hand. But no reaction?

"Seungkwan hyung?" I said out loud.

I just sighed and just shook it off thinking that Kevin missed out one note that I should have taken note of.
I went towards the living room couch that was located right beside the balcony and sat down.

Humming to one of the songs that we produced, I thought of a way to help them. I really didn't want to help them though. They don't need my help.

When humming the song, I heard a shout coming from the balcony. I looked towards the balcony and saw Seungkwan looking at.. me?

"Nononono, this can't be real. His fucking dead Seungkwan get it together." Seungkwan said.

I saw Seungkwan close his eyes and open it up again. He then came closer to me and started slapping me.

"What the fuck bro? Have some respect." I said I was pretty pissed off.

He stood there, shocked.

"Seungkwan, what's with all the scre- CHAN?" Another member came up

Great. I mean I do have to deal with all of them. I suddenly felt poking around my body. This lil bitch-

"STOP. yes I'm real but not real at the same can you at least let me explain. Even though I'm a damn ghost doesn't mean I can't feel the goddamn pain." I let out a long sigh afterwards.

Both of the members started looking at me. Hoshi was too stunt to speak.

"Mind explaining?" Seungkwan asked

"I'm obviously dead but I was brought back here to fix some things which includes... all of you."

"You know all of us missed you, right?" Hoshi mumbled but I could hear it very clearly.

"Hoshi stop. I know all damn well u guys didn't want me in the fucking group and I had to deal with this shit everyday and now your pulling this card?" Chan ranted.

"I'm sor-" hoshi tried apologising

"Sorry doesn't fix it let's get this shit done and over wit-" before I could finish my sentence I was sent to somewhere else which is back to this guardian place thing.

I looked around and saw Kevin looking at me like I had done something wrong.

"Chan? Your not supposed to curse at your hyungs tch tch"


"no buts now gets back to work and for the love of God PLEASE like PLEASE give them a chance" kevin said

I inhaled a deep breath and just agreed.

back to the human world

"CHAN WHERE DID YOU GO?" Seungkwan shouted

"Lower down will ya? I already told you I'm not real and I have to deal with some stuff before going back up there or down there or wherever it is."

"Anyways, where are the others ? I can't deal with looking at you guys." I spat

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