Chapter 5

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-6 Days remaining-

Chans Pov

So i have to do all of this before the week ends?? Which is in 6 days?? Am I really able to finish it??

The others allowed me to stay at the dorm but i have yet to tell them about the tasks which i should really be telling them.

I am now sitting on my bed trying to plan all of this out. I now know that Seventeen is at the verge of disbandment and it could come anytime this month since their next meeting is just 3 days from now. I can't let them terminate the contract.

"channie-ah, what are you thinking about? You didn't even realise i was standing here" Wonwoo chuckled

Should I tell him??

"I was just thinking about.." I started wandering off.

"about..?" Wonwoo continued.

"how to save all of you" i continued the sentence

Then I decided to just tell Wonwoo why I'm back here, from the incident up till now.

"So you only have 6 days to do all of this??" wonwoo confirmed with me and i nodded my head

"Then you'll be away forever..?" he asked hesitantly.

I just smiled sadly and chucked.

"don't worry too much, i'll still be here but just not...visible"

After having a quick chat with Wonwoo hyung, i came out of my room to walk around the shared house. I started reminiscing about all the memories we shared in this house from the first day we became trainees till the unfortunate day.

Of course there were changes to the house ever since the trainee days but these four walls have never changed, they have witnessed all of our actions including the time we fought.

Coming back to reality, I remembered that I need to finish the tasks asap but i don't even know how to start or where to start. I need to talk to Seungcheol Hyung before he signs anything.

"oh chan! what are you doing in the middle of the hallway, alone?" speaking of the devil.

"thinking" i replied

"you're always thinking, you can always come to me, you know? i'll hear you out"

I thought about it for a while and decided to bring him to a more secluded area.

"To summarise everything, I only have 6 days in this world and I need to stop you from disbanding the group. Please help me out... i don't have much time left"

He looks at me looking unsure of what to reply. I didn't expect him to reply asap. He continued looking at me till I felt uncomfortable.

"right.. you wont be here forever" he smiled sourly.

He quickly changed expression and smiled happily.

"I'll think about it !" and he scurried off to somewhere else.

I sighed, I knew he wasn't going to take what I had just said into consideration but I could just hope.

I stood in the hallway confused and I couldn't even move my body. What was happening?

Suddenly, I was back here again. Can he really stop doing that ?

"oh channie, that phenomena you experienced just now ? It's because you're too negative. We hate negative energy. So if you keep this up, you'll be drained and you won't be able to complete the task in time ! tik tok tik tok channie !"

Kevin is really something... maybe he should just tell everything at once before I even started this journey? So maybe I don't have to keep going to two different universes. What the hell is wrong with him? tsk

and then just then, a storm of lightning can be heard from outside the house. Another of Kevin's work I guess. I just rolled my eyes.

I started walking around the house, not knowing what to do since the meeting is not even today. As I was walking I saw hoshi Hyung and without me even realising, I took in a quick breath.

"oh chan-ah ! What are you doing here ?? alone in the middle of the hallway ??" he asked, obviously trying to force himself into a conversation with me.

"Just walking around I guess" I replied, sounding unbothered with whatever he was trying to do.

Obviously there was tension in the air and looking at him, he looks like he is about to be in complete shambles.

After being stoned there for quite some time, Jeonghan appeared looking like he had just been eavesdropping on us from behind the wall.

Is that my power??

Hoshi let out a sigh of relief after seeing Jeonghan. Maybe he should not have tried engaging in a conversation with me.

"Look, this is not going to work. Let's have dinner outside all 3 of us. No escaping, we need this badly." Jeonghan commanded us.

Well how fun.

Authors note

sorry for not being able to update for quite some time 🥹🥹 school has been so hectic and I have rehearsals for a competition🫠🫠 and right after that is already my exams 😭😭 quite a short update today but I'll try to update soon !!

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