Chapter 6

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Jeonghan was the one who was driving us to some restaurant where we will try to repair our used to be close friendship.

Honestly, I really don't feel like talking to them at the moment but probably I am supposed to do this. I can't look at hoshi the same way like I used to before the accident.

3rd person pov

4 weeks before the accident (flashback)

"Chan-ah, you're going to stay here? all of us are going to have dinner together, are you sure you don't want to follow?" hoshi asked Chan worried about his younger brother skipping his meals.

"I'm not that hungry, I'll just stay here to practise some more." Chan gave him a reassuring smile.

"if you say so" hoshi went out and rushed to Jeonghan's side.

"tsk, he's so annoying. Why does he want our attention so badly?" a voice could be heard from behind hoshi.

"Seungkwan-ah, you shouldn't be saying this about the youngest!" Hoshi exclaimed, clearly shocked about the sudden outburst coming from the second youngest.

"what? pretty sure you will agree with me after knowing what he said yesterday after rehearsals." Seungkwan chuckled.

"What did he say?" hoshi asked curiously

"something about competing with you. you know how the dance instructor will send one of us to represent our group for some dance thing?? I think he heard the dance instructor said that he will be shortlisting you but it's not confirmed yet that's why he's staying behind the majority of the time. Oh and his only trying to compete with all of us"

End of flashback

And from then on, we didn't talk to each other like we used to and this led up all the way to the incident.

Before I knew it, we had already reached our destination. I was tagging behind them till Jeonghan stopped.

"Chan ah why are you walking behind us ? Come walk beside us" Jeonghan told me.

People around us gave Jeonghan a weird look because they couldn't see me and thought Jeonghan was crazy.

Jeonghan just slightly laughed it off and went back to looking in front and went inside the restaurant.

Once we were inside, we were guided into a private room. Filthy rich people problems.

Just like what I expected, everything was tense and silent. Jeonghan and Hoshi were passing glances trying to ask who should speak first.

"Look, if you guys can't even bring yourself to speak to me then don't even try" I said in an annoyed manner.

I gave them some time to let them speak but after waiting for nearly 3 minutes, I could not take it anymore and was about to leave when Jeonghan stopped me.

"Wait Chan, please don't leave"

"but looks like your partner doesn't want me here"

"chan stay please" hoshi begged

I looked at him with no emotions and let out a big sigh making sure they could hear it loud and clear.

"now where do we start..." Jeonghan said


authors note !

a quick update ! down with Covid so I'm finally able to update and exams are finally over 😭 I'll try to write some more since I'm not able to get out of the house for awhile 😵‍💫😵‍💫

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