Chapter 9

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When I woke it was surprisingly quiet and not a single noise was heard outside the room.

I was scared that time was up already and ran out of my room to see no one. I then went to the living room to check and there was no one there either.

Then, I went to the kitchen and saw a note pasted on the refrigerator saying that they had a last minute schedule update so they won't be back till evening.

I sighed and went back to my room to sleep back.

"What do I do... the meeting is tomorrow and I don't even know if everything will work out as planned" talking to myself while lying on my bed and looking at the ceiling.

I was really worried that I won't be able to do everything before the time runs out. Carats doesn't even know I'm not here anymore.

I looked up at the ceiling and kept thinking what was the worst that could happen. Before I knew it, it was already turning dark outside.

"Have I been daydreaming ?" i sighed to myself

At least I fixed my relationship with my hyungs right ?

When they were still not home, I decided to walk to the company to check on them. I took this time to rearrange all my thoughts and enjoy the night air.

When I was close to the building, I noticed a familiar figure and I walked closer to the figure to get a better view of it. I was taken aback when I saw jihoon hyung? With a girl? I took a picture of him and the girl and stared at the picture, baffled. Him? Out of everyone in the entire group. He looked like he was going to die lonely.

Thinking again, why did I take a picture of the two of them ? I wasn't going to snitch right? I mean.. He was kinda mean to me during my last few days. 

Who am i kidding, how am i even supposed to snitch, they cant even see except for my hyungs.

When walking away from the scene, I accidentally stepped on a twig which caused me to freeze in my spot.

"What the hell" I heard from behind me, I cursed under my breath.

I was going to make a run for it when suddenly I heard someone call my name.

"How did he even realise it was me?" I cursed once again.

"Hoon-ah, who are you calling? There's no one there?" I cringed when I heard the nickname.
I let out my breath that I didn't even realise I was holding, I had forgotten that other people could not see or hear me.

I turned back once again and accidentally locked eye contact with Jihoon hyung. Am I going to get slaughtered?

I walked to the company's entrance and groaned. Just when I thought everything was going to be over soon. Maybe if i just stayed not curious and just walked to the company then maybe i wouldn't see whatever that was. Curse that Kevin.

authors note !

sorry for the last update 🙏🏼 i'm writing chapter 10 now so do look forward for it ! trying to write as much as i can before my exams start again 😞😞

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