Chapter 13 (end)

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This is PLEDIS Entertainment.

With a heavy heart, we would like to start off this letter to deeply apologise in advance for the late notice.

On the 20th of November 2022, Chan was pronounced deceased in the hospital after an incident that occurred in the dorms of SEVENTEEN. He was quickly rushed to the hospital after not reacting to any of his members.Unfortunately, due to the major injury he had sustained towards his head area, he was sadly taken away from the world.

The members were having a hard time recovering from the sudden death of the youngest and this was the cause of the long hiatus.

With this, we would also like to add on that SEVENTEEN will not terminate their contract but will continue as a group of twelve. They are determined to continue as a group just for the youngest. Please give all the support to SEVENTEEN as they will be preparing a COMEBACK this coming December 2023.

Thank You."

Chans pov

The notice was published two days ago right after the meeting ended and the media was like wildfire especially on twitter. As I read through all the posts, many showed their distress to the company saying how unprofessional they were to only publish the notice a year later.

Today would be the last day I'll be with all my hyungs BEFORE I WILL GO at 11:59pm sharp. I am not the type to show my emotions easily but today... Today was different.
We were on the way to the cemetery so I can rest peacefully after this. I was never so guilty for my actions until today. I was selfish, I only thought of myself, not my close ones. Now they are the ones who will bring their sorrow along with them till the end.

When we finally arrived, Joshua greeted the cemetery before proceeding to go inside.

Everyone was quiet, showing their respect to the deceased. Without realising, tears started rolling down Seungkwans, followed by Dokyeom and followed by the rest. Did I want this to happen?

Time passed by like a flash and now it was already coming to 6pm. We ordered take out so we could eat as a group in the dorm. The last meal had 13 members.

We settled down in front of the tv and started eating in silence. Up until Seungcheol broke the silence.

"Is there anything else you would like to do dongsaeng"

"This is more than enough..." I replied.

Seungcheol tried to give his biggest smile in return, but I knew it was all a facade. While everyone was eating and engaging with their own conversation, Joshua, who was seated beside me, rested his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you channie-ah" Joshua muttered softly.

I look towards his direction without moving my shoulders completely.

"You were there for me from the beginning, since I came from LA. Before the incident, your energy started decreasing rapidly. I saw everything chan-ah. You can finally rest. I will pray for your safety when you're up there" Joshua said, a small smile formed.

He made it harder for me to leave.

I looked up and saw the time, 11:55pm.

"Must you really go?" Seungkwan said.

"Sorry hyung," i replied back to him.

"Oh right, before I go, I just wanted to say if the hurt comes tomorrow morning will be the happiness so be patient okay?"

And just like that, we were huddled together on the couch. The last hug as 13 members.

The next day

Everything continued, life continued for the rest. Only memory left behind was chans bedroom where they all agreed to leave it as be.

2 years later

Do you believe in a second life? Mingyu didn't believe it as first, but after his encounter at the coffee shop, he thought otherwise.

"Chan?" Mingyu called out.

Authors note

i'm finally done with the book! after so long 😭 i'm gonna start planning book 2 for my previous book so please do look forward for it ! ty so much for all the support thank you guys !

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