Chapter 1

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Sitting down on the floor, pop another beer for the younger one. After a heated argument with his two hyungs, he took everything too seriously. All the words spat out.

"I really changed," Chan told himself, facing the mirror.

Chan felt light headed. This was his 3rd bottle but he couldn't stop. Just like Seungcheol hyung. Chan saw his hyung drinking every time.

Just now, Chan was out hanging out with his friends to celebrate his early birthday. Today was the 9th of February, two days more till he turns 22 years old.

Chan wanted to know how it really feels like living in his teenage years. He didn't have the best childhood. Trainee, studies, school and family. Too much he has to handle and being the eldest in his family, it makes things worse for him.

His head was telling him to stay awake but his eyes were about to shut. They were battling with one another to see who wins. Just like society, seeing who is the wealthiest and most prettiest or handsome. There was absolutely no chance for the least prettiest or least handsome in my school.

Just then his eyes shut. Chan was in a deep sleep.

The next morning was the same, his hyungs laughing and having fun outside, without him.

Chan was debating if he should go to the bathroom which was 3 rooms away from his own room. After the argument last night, he didn't want to face any of his hyung.

Chan's head was at the edge of bursting.

"Probably a hangover." Chan told himself. He held onto the wall for support and started walking to the bathroom.

Suddenly, the whole house went silent. His hyungs were looking at him but Dk tried to bring up the mood.

After reaching the washroom, a very deep sigh was let out from Chan.

Looking at the mirror once again, he thought

"I look like a mess, screw this shit."

But just then, he lost his balance making him bump his head on the towel hanger and to the floor.

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