Chapter 7

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"So you only heard one side of the story? You didn't even talk to me about it! You believed every single word that came out of his mouth?" Chan was slightly agitated hearing his hyungs explanation.

"I'm sorry channie.." hoshi looked down, showing his maknae how disappointed he is with himself.

Chan Pov

Now what?

I silently continued eating my food on the table and if you are wondering why i'm able to eat outside without anyone giving this specific weird looks its because its a private table but believe when i said the servant gave my two hyungs weird looks when they (we) ordered a little too much for what they think it is for 2 people.

After hearing the explanation, I was a bit furious but now I can eat peacefully without any tension in the air.

"So chan? About that 6 days remaining..?" Jeonghan suddenly spoke up.

"You guys really like eavesdropping?" I replied nonchalantly.

"Well you can't expect me to be here forever right? I'm here for a specific reason and what I think the reason is is that I must stop all of you from disbanding."

What I got as a reply is a slight nod from jeonghan and a slightly confused hoshi.

"But the meeting is 3 days from now?? How are you going to convince all 12 of us to renew our contract?" hoshi asked

"That is why you're here" i replied to him

"You are one of the leaders, you can obviously bring it up to them."

Hoshi looked like he was lost in thoughts.

"Look, i'm not forcing you. I can do this on my own too"

"Its okay channie, i owe you"

-5 days remaining -

After dinner last night with Jeonghan and Hoshi, we managed to finally talk more than usual.

I was on the bed, daydreaming once again. I only had 5 days left, as much as i wanted all of this to be over i do not want to say goodbye to them once again.

For now, I have not much to do other than to wait for the meeting which is 2 from now. I'm not sure what I'm expecting to happen during the meeting. Knowing that carats thinks I'm still alive and healthy when in reality I'm actually buried 6 feet underground.

I wonder how carats react when they get to know the news...

What if I didn't drink that much the day before. What if we were not arguing  with one another. What if I agreed to talk it out with Jeonghan and Soonyoung hyung that night?

"You really like thinking don't you?" Wonwoo chuckled.

I turned to his direction and smiled fondly at him. I moved in so that he had space to sit on the bed.

"What are you thinking about?" Wonwoo asked.

"All the what ifs"

"What if i didn't go out and drink on that day"

"We all need a drink or two every now and then. It was an accident, you didn't mean to cause such a scene"

"And it wasn't even your fault, when your body was being taken away, the police officers were checking the washroom. The tiles on the floor were filled with detergent making it slippery."

"Somebody planned my accident?"

"I'm not sure about that..."

"But we all were devastated on that day. Soonyoung cried the hardest. He lost his favourite dongsaeng. He couldn't even bring himself to come out of his room for a couple of days."

I let out a deep sigh and looked out the window. It was a cold day today and the sky was not bright blue anymore, it was filled with dark greyish clouds.

While looking out the window, Wonwoo and I were startled by the sudden loud knock.

"Chan ah!" the person exclaimed

"Oh Wonwoo you're here as well"

"You were looking for chan, dokyeom?" Wonwoo asked the latter.

"Yep but since you are here as well, the others are in the living room playing games and seungcheol hyung ordered pizza for all of us! Seungcheol is waiting for both of you"

"We will be there soon" i replied

After that, dokyeom left the room.

"We should get going now, i'm starving" Wonwoo told me

"Alright, you can go first, I'll change into something comfortable." i said to him

He nodded his head and left the room.

I looked at myself in the mirror and let out another big sigh.

"Maybe if i was more careful i would still be alive i would be with my hyungs performing and having fun with them."


Authors note !

sorry for the long wait 😭 here is a quick update I will try to write more soon ! don't forget to vote !

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