Chapter 10

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When walking to their practice room, I saw that the door was open. Was it their break? Oh maybe it was because HE had time to have a little chat with his gf.

"Oh, chan ah! What are you doing here? We were just about to end, we had a photoshoot with one of the magazine companies just now and we decided to polish up some of our old songs." Hoshi went up to me.

"You guys weren't having a break and a photoshoot?" I asked.

"We had no time for break, the only break we had was when the others was having their own solo shoot and phootshoot because the company wanted us to have one last photoshoot before our discussion about contract renewal tomorrow" he replied.

"Oh I see.. Where's the others?"

"They are helping to pack everything up in the practice room. Except for Jihoon doe, he said he had to go to his studio"


"You can go inside the practice room chan, the members will be excited to see you!"

I smiled and walked towards the practice room. I thought about the scene earlier on, maybe this group was meant to disband then he could probably date her but the thing is, this group is meant to stay for long thats why im here. What if someone catches them together in public?

"It's not my problem anyways.." i mumbled

"Whose problem?" Wonwoo came up from behind me

What's with him sneaking up to me everytime.

"Nobodies," I nonchalantly replied.

Wonwoo just rolled his eyes teasingly and walked away.
People this days...

I sat down at one side of the practice room and just looked around, taking in my surroundings. It was just 1 more day to the meeting and 3 more days till i'll be gone for good.

I started having mixed feelings, it will be nice to be gone from this world, but how about them?

"Chan-ah we're going home now, are you coming?" Jun came up to me

"huh yeah i'll be behind you"

"Guys have y'all seen Jihoon? His studio lights are off? Not sure if he went home before us" Mingyu stood by the entrance of the studio

"I bumped into him downstairs, he said he had to rush off to somewhere" i replied him

Mingyu nodded his head and went off.

When everyone was out of the practice room, I started trailing behind them. They looked like they were not in the mood to talk and joke so i just followed behind them quietly.

Each one of them started getting inside the car and one by one each car went off and of course, I was left behind. I mean what did i expect, the driver can't even see me.

I sigh and decide to just enjoy the night breeze and walk home.


I turned around and saw Jihoon hyung.

"oh, hyung" acknowledging his existence.

"wait i'll walk home with you"

Me and Jihoon are not the closest so walking home with him makes me quite tense. Will he ask me about what I saw?

"so... the meeting is tomorrow" he said


awkward. just like what i have expected.

"look, what you saw earlier, please don't tell anyone about it. i can't risk it"

" oh that, yeah i'll keep it a secret i guess" i replied hesitantly

"i just realise we never really had a proper conversation with one another"

"I mean it's about time before you will never have a proper conversation with me, right" I chuckled bitterly.

and just like that, the tension was there again.

"It was a joke " I told him.

"But it's true, isn't it?" he replied back to me.

"I mean, yeah.."

"hey uh hyung, can you make sure that the meeting will go well and you guys won't disband?" trying my best to persuade him because Seungcheol hyung did not give me a proper response.

"ofcourse, anything that will make you have a peaceful life after this" he smiled and proceeded to open the front door of the dorm.

We have been talking the entire journey home? That's a new accomplishment.

"bye chan-ah have a good sleep, i will handle the entire meeting tomorrow"
He then walked off to his shared bedroom.

I sighed walking to my bedroom and plopping down on my bed hopping for the best for tomorrow.

Before I Go (Chan Seventeen)Where stories live. Discover now