Chapter 11

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I woke up early the next day because I could not sleep for any longer. This wasn't supposed to be this stressful, but somehow it is. I walked to the kitchen to see if anyone was just as stressed as me and woke up at this ungodly timing.

To not my surprise, obviously none of them were awake. I'm honestly not surprised if they end up not renewing their contract because this group has been existing for almost a decade.

If i'm meant to not make them disband, there will be some sort of fate that everything will go well right? like magic ? I scoffed at myself.

I sat at one of the bar stool seats that was facing the kitchen counter tops.

Sitting there, I slowly started to doze off and the sun started to rise slowly until somebody finally decided to wake up. Was it that hard for them to wake up ?

Obviously, since waking up at that ungodly hour I was oblivious to my surroundings that I didn't even notice that someone was awake until that person started to make coffee.

"oh seungkwan" i muttered out, rubbing my eyes to get back my vision

"you didn't sleep ?"

"for awhile"


After he made his coffee, he went up and bathed. Then one by one everyone started appearing downstairs doing their normal morning routine which was obviously to make coffee addicts.

Knowing that this was coming to my last few days being in this world, I began to take in my surroundings and all my members' faces. Maybe if i just listened to them i wouldn't end up in this drama.

"Hey chan we'll be going now you will be okay staying here alone right?" Seungcheol Hyung told me while standing at the doorway.

I nodded my head as an answer. Should I follow them? Maybe I should just let them go first then I'll follow them from behind. Why am I so nosy? Tsk

Once I saw the vans slowly drifting away from the house I started walking to the company.

It was a peaceful walk, I wish I could experience this more often. Enjoying the breeze stress-free.

Okay maybe not stress-free. I couldn't help but to think of the conversation I had with Jihoon hyung yesterday. We are not even that close. We are close but not that close?

Before I knew it, I was already at the entrance of the company. Walking through the front doors I went up to the meeting room where we will always hold our monthly meetings and comeback discussion.

If I go inside, all twelve of them will be able to see me except for the CEO and directors. Should I just go in? Eh worth the shot

I went inside and just like what i expected, all 12 pairs of eyes were on me. I snickered and found myself a seat somewhere around the room. Once everyone in the room has settled down, the real deal is about to happen.

"Look, I really think you guys aren't able to keep going on. You guys have been on a hiatus for years now and you guys aren't even in the charts. You guys are in the bottom hundreds!" The ceo exclaimed

"We promise, we will be in the top 10 at least. Please give us a chance" Seungcheol begged, nearly going on his knees.

"What will be the fans reactions when they get to know chan isnt even here anymore? We all know he had a great impact during the very last comeback we had. I'm pretty sure almost all the carats worldwide are waiting for him" the CEO rambled on trying to convince hyungs that continuing on is not a good thing and they should just disband.

"Please let us continue, Chan would want to see us continue as a group , that's what he wants." Jihoon added on

"That is what he wants, how about the remaining 12 of you" That made everyone go silent

"I think we have gotten our answers, everyones dismissed" the CEO announced.

"No please we can prove to you please let us continue" seungcheol frantically went to the CEO and was on his knees.

The others already seemed defeated but seungcheol hyung was still fighting till he got what he wanted.

the CEO looked at him again and sighed, muttering something under his breath about leaders these days.

"Fine, this upcoming comeback if you guys manage to get in the top 10 or even better top 5 I will let y'all continue and please figure out how all of you are going to announce to everyone about chan" he rubbed his temple and went out of their meeting room.

I was so ecstatic when the CEO agreed to renew their contract temporarily. Meaning one of my tasks is already done and I have one left to complete. Which also means I have only 2 days left to be with them.

"can't believe u actually went to the extent onto begging on your knees for the ceo to extend our contract temporarily" Jeonghan chuckled

"anything for maknae to live a peaceful afterlife" he smiled

"oh yeah chan-ah how many more days till you won't be here anymore?" Mingyu asked

"2 more" i replied

everyone's expression changed to a bitter and sad one when they got to know i won't be here for much longer.

"Look, how about we put out the announcement today and we can use the last 2 days to have a proper time together as a group ?" I suggested it to everyone and as an answer everyone looked much more lively now.


authors note !

i'm so sorry for making all of you wait for 2 months but i will try to complete this book as soon as possible and get started with another book ! this book is almost coming to an end so i hope you look forward to the upcoming chapters and the new book im planning to publish around mid to end october ! my finals has just ended and i hope to update frequently now ! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

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