Chapter 4

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Chan turned behind and saw all of them looking in his direction. He was unsure if they were looking at him so he pointed at himself.

Wonwoo was stunned, he couldn't utter any words out of his mouth.

"Oh channie were you listening to our conversation?" hoshi smiled at me

"Yeah.. kinda" chan muttered

Everyone except Hoshi and Seungkwan could not process anything at the moment. Was chan really there? Everyone had the same thoughts and they did not know what to do.

Mingyu decided to gain his courage and walk up towards Chan. Poor Chan did not know what to do either so he just stood there. Chan was not prepared nor did he think this through.

"Chan-ah?" Mingyu managed to call out to chan.

"Chan, come sit with us!" hoshi invited Chan to join the rest.

"it's fine i wil-"

Before Chan could finish up his sentence, he was quickly cutted off by Hoshi pushing him to sit down with the rest.

Chan Pov

The atmosphere in the room was so tense and everyone's mouth was sealed shut. They could not utter anything.

I was just sitting there wishing that this day could just be over and this task can be over already.

"Chan.. what happened on that day ?" Seungcheol asked.

starting off with the sensitive topic, how fun.

The others became even more tense after the question, which I don't get why because it was obviously their fault that I'm now 6 feet under and my soul is creating a menace to the human world.

"drank, hungover, toilet, bang" I answered nochantly.

"cmon chan, let's not be like this.." hoshi replied.

"no, infact it's your fault that I'm dead. Maybe if you watched your words then maybe i would still be alive and not be burried." i burst at them.

"Look chan, I know it's my fault but please forgive me." hoshi begged but I can't seem to forgive him that easily.

"Sorry don't do anything, damage is done you can't bring me back to life again" chan rolled his eyes.

After that horrible conversation ended, I went and walked around the building but I slowly lost interest in touring the building I once practised in. While I was about to walk out the building I heard someone calling my name.

"Chan!" I turned around and saw it was wonwoo.

"What are you doing calling my name out in an open space, what if someone thinks you're a lunatic talking to yourself."


I rolled my eyes and continued walking towards the exit of the building.

"Where are you going?" I ignored him.

"Do you want to see your grave??" he asked slowly.

I looked at him and after much thought, I ended up going to the cemetery with him.

Once we arrived, we sat down in front of my tombstone.

"I really miss you.. I didn't even get to say good morning to you. I didn't even get to see you that morning.." Wonwoo muttered.

I never once blamed Wonwoo for what happened. We were so close before... he was like my older sibling back during Trainee period. According to him "I was too young to face the Trainee world" so from then onwards, he only stayed beside me and made sure I had my meals. He was the only one who understood me.

"I came here everyday. I made sure your tombstone is in good condition." he continued

"how about the others ??" i asked

"they couldn't bring themselves to face your grave especially hoshi" i snorted

"but nevertheless, they still mourn over you everyday without fail. they miss you dearly..." i continued looking at my tombstone just listening to what he was saying

"Adding on, our fans still think that we are all still on hiatus. Including you."

"company didn't say anything?" i asked

"no, they didn't want them to know. From the look of all the social media posts, caratland is in shambles not just us"

That's why I was sent here?? To fix everything?? and I have to complete this in one week ?? how am I supposed to do that??

authors note~

sorry if the update was short 😔😔 I'll try to update the next chapter soon!! and to all my Muslim carats, Happy ramadhan !

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