Chapter 8

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Chans Pov

"Oh chan-ah you're here, we were waiting for you" seungcheol smiled at me.

Soonyoung waved at me, signalling me to sit beside him and since there were no other seats, I gladly agreed to sit beside him.

Chan did not even realise that some of the members were already playing using the controllers.

"Yall still play this game?" Chan ask the older

"Ofcourse, this game basically is a part of us now" Soonyoung joked and in return he got a chuckle coming from Chan.

I was so immersed with watching the four members Wonwoo, Mingyu, Vernon and Jihoon playing that I didn't even realise someone sat down beside me.

"You want to go after them? We can play together" the person invited chan.

Chan was startled, the second time today.  What's with people startling people nowadays.

"What the hell bro you came out of nowhere" chan was seconds away from punching him in the face.

"Sorry man"

"Its fine, yeah sure we can play after them Jun hyung"

Chan continued watching the four members play with the game controller till a knock was heard on the front door. So many interruptions today?

"Must be the food, chan can you help-" Mingyu nudged at Seungcheol's shoulder.


"It's okay," Chan smiled at them.

How I wish the incident did not happen so other people can see me.

"FOOD IS HEREEEE" Mingyu exclaimed looking at the food dearly.

"Anyone want to play next ??" Wonwoo asked

"me and channie !"

the oldest nodded his head while waiting for two more people.

After a couple of rounds of games, it was already dark outside and some of them were already knocked out dead on the floor.

I was one of the people who didn't drink so I was pretty much wide awake. There was also someone else who didn't drink but I can't seem to see him anywhere.

While I was about to go up to my room I heard keys jiggling at our front door.

I went back down to check who it was. Right... it was Seungkwan who didn't drink.

If Hoshi didn't tell me about how it all started, I wouldn't even know the reason why he always seems tense around me and I would just strike up a conversation with him.

I mean yeah he did talk to me when he first saw me in the living room but he talked as if he didn't want to see me.

When he finally turned away from the door, he finally saw me. He was about to scream, again, but I quickly shut him up.

"what are you doing awake at this time? didnt you drink?" seungkwan asked

"no.. i was just about to go up to my room"

"oh i see..."

After that, it was dead silent.

"well, i'm going up to my room now"

When I was about to walk away Seungkwan said something else.



"Sorry channie"

i just smiled at him and went up to my room because i was too sleepy and it was already 4am


Authors note !

sorry short chapter but the next will be longer trust 🤞🏼 don't forget to vote ! (i was experiencing writers block the entire month im sorry)

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