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14 years old

A smile on my face as I rush down the stairs. Whenever River is around, I can't help but smile. I've liked him ever since Noah decided that he was going to be his best friend.

Riv is nothing like my brother. He's quiet and not as outgoing as Noah. It honestly surprised me that they were even friends.

Out of all my brothers friends, River is the only one who actually cares about my feelings and treats me like a person.

Noah's friends can be really big assholes. But River never really did or said anything hurtful. Yeah, he could be rude, but he is always like that. He hates everything and everyone.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my older brother's voice. "Tell me the truth." I could just tell by the tone of his voice that he was upset about something.

My brother was the type of person who couldn't become mad at someone easily. It took a lot to piss Noah off, and right now he was pissed.

I quietly peeked around the corner, and River and Noah stood in the kitchen. Tension filled the space around them.

I had this overwhelming feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was telling me to turn back and that I didn't want to know what they were talking about.

But I didn't; I stood there behind the wall, listening.

"I am telling you the truth." River snapped back, anger holding in his voice. River towers over my brother.

He was only 15 and already six foot, while Noah was only 5'8. The way they looked at each other had my heart pumping with anxiety.

"She is just your dumb, annoying little sister." I winced back. His words hit me in the gut with so much force that I let out a pained breath.

Both my brother and River look in my direction. Something changed in Rivers' face that I couldn't decipher.

I stare at him, my stomach knotting. I was just Noah's dumb, annoying little sister. Rivers' words fill my mind.

My eyes burned, but I didn't let the tears that wanted to fall come out. I wasn't going to let them know that his words hurt me.

Rivers' shoulders slumped. The anger washed away from his face, and for a second, it looked like he might say something or try to talk to me, but I just turned, leaving them standing in the kitchen.

He was just like the rest of them. He never cared. All of the things he said were just lies. I feel like a fool to even think that he cared.

River was just like the rest of them. I was a fool to think otherwise.

My feelings slowly dimmed. This whole time, I thought he actually cared, but no, I was just Noah's annoying little sister. I hold back my tears as I quickly rush upstairs to my room.

I did not understand how a small crush on someone could hurt so much.



The words fill my thoughts as I close my bedroom door. Was I annoying? I thought to myself.

Did I truly annoy them all? I pull my knees to my chest and rest my head on them. Did everyone think that?

I mean, yeah, sometimes I just want to hang out with Noah and his friends, but I never thought I was annoying.

Noah never said I was annoying. Sometimes he would even ask if I wanted to hang out with them.

Or was that just him trying to be nice?

I reach up and lock my door when I hear my brother knock. "Ella, are you ok?" I wipe my cheek as I answer. "Yeah, I'm fine."

And here it began. My lies of 'I'm fine' and 'No, nothing's wrong, why?'


What's everyone's thoughts?

I'm so excited for you guys to read this story. I'm still trying to pull everything together so updates will be slow.

Chapters will get longer

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