chapter six

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Yet another day in this draining hellhole

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Yet another day in this draining hellhole. My eyes stay stuck in front of me, unable to look into anyone's eyes.

The loud music blasting from my airpods thankfully blocks out the noise of the loud kids that are around my age.

People that I will probably never talk to, let alone learn their names. I quickly stop at my locker, putting in the combination and pulling it open with a yank.

It is somewhat hard to open only because of a fight that broke out between a football player and River. That asshole threw the guy into my locker.

What was the fight for? I don't know, but it caused a dent in my locker, and the school still hasn't fixed it.

I close my locker, and I almost let out a scream when I find June leaning against one of the lockers. A smile plastered on her lips.

My eyes narrowed when I spotted her earrings. "When did you get those?" I point to the earrings she was wearing.

I wanted to laugh at them but also wanted to know where the hell she got them. June has always had....her own style.

For example, her condom-shaped earrings. Of course they weren't real; they were most likely plastic.

One earring was a condom packaging, and the other side was a condom except it was shaped like a heart.

Pink and red, matching her clothes and her red hair. June wore a cropped mock neck top that had cool squiggle patterns that were different shades of pink and red. With some black baggy pants.

Where the hell does she find her clothes? "I made them." She chirps with a proud smile on her face. My eyes widened at her in surprise.

As I was about to open my mouth to ask her how she made it, she was already speaking. Clamping my mouth shut. "Have you seen the new girl?" I shake my head at her.

If I had seen this new girl, I wouldn't have even noticed. I can barely even remember what the guy that sits across from me in art class looks like.

All I know is that he is blonde.

"I heard she just moved here, like last week. Her name is Jaylen, and she's around our age. Lives downtown or something like that." June rushes out, looking around the crowded halls, probably looking for the girl.

"You should really think about being an FBI agent." I snickered.

My laugh dies quickly, remembering that I have to be the one to tell June that her 2-year long girlfriend is cheating on her. "June." I pause, not knowing what to say or how to even bring it up.

June turns, giving me her full attention. Her smile fades when she sees the expression on my face.

"Yeah?" Her blue eyes looked away from me before looking back at me.

I swallow the lump that is in my throat as I look at the floor and back at her.

God, where does someone even start this type of conversation? "Umm... I heard, " Being cut off when Flora shows up, throwing her arm around my shoulder, almost causing me to fall.

I watch June's worried expression change to awe as she looks at the cheating whore that is her girlfriend.

"I'll just tell you when you come over later." I say before shoving Flora's arm off of me. Not caring if I hurt her or not.

"What's her problem?" I hear Flora say it with scoff. I let out a breath, trying not to turn around and blow up on her.

I have never understood people and their ways of thinking. What is the point of cheating on someone?

As I round the corner, I run right into someone. "I'm so sorry." I rushed to the girl I had just knocked to the floor.

She pushes her blond hair out of her face. Her glare vanished when she looked up at me. "It's alright; it was an accident." She mumbled, trying to fix her hair as she got to her feet.

Her hand stuck out as she said "Jaylen." She introduced. A smile on her small lips. "Ella." I mumble as I shake her hand.

Jaylen's smile brightened. I always felt a little off when I talked to people, but right now I don't know how to feel about her.

But I also knew that this wouldn't be the last time I saw her.

I walk into Mrs. Cruz's class quickly and take my seat. My eyes drifted to a sleeping River.

His black hair hung messily over his eyes. I had this overwhelming feeling to brush it out of his face. Of course I didn't, but I really wanted to.

He wore black headphones that matched his hair, so it was harder for anyone to notice that he was listening to music.

I always wanted to know what he was listening to but I never asked. River had a way of making me nervous with his stares or the way he would lower his voice when talking to me.

"You going to keep staring, Green?" My body jerks away from him at the sound of his voice. With his eyes still closed, the corner of his lips tilted just a bit.

River pushed off of his headphone so it was resting behind his ear.

I could hear the faint sound of his music due to how loud it was. Yet it wasn't loud enough for me to be able to tell what song it was.

River looked at me, his dark eyes slightly hooded from just waking up. I wonder if he got any sleep last night.

"I wasn't staring." I look away from him. I hear him chuckle lightly as I try to keep my attention on the teacher, but all I can think of is him and how close he is.

Whenever River was close, it was hard for me to do anything. It was like my brain shut off and completely stopped functioning.

I hated that he was this close, and I hated that my brain couldn't think of anything other than him being this close.

I tried to listen to what the teacher was saying, but all I could concentrate on was the feeling of Rivers' eyes burning into the side of my head.

I turn to look at him. My lips in a thin line. "You should pay attention before I have to tutor you in this too." I watch his brows rise in amusement.

Does he find everything I say or do funny? I think to myself. He lifts his head from the desk and leans back in the chair.

His eyes never leave mine as he does. "If you're offering." I scoff, looking away from him.

"I'm only messing with you, Ella." He shakes his head, causing his black hair to fall into his face.

" He shakes his head, causing his black hair to fall into his face

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Ideas for any future chapters?

How do y'all think June is going to react to the news of her girlfriend cheating on her?

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