chapter eleven

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Song: traitor by Olivia Rodrigo

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Song: traitor by Olivia Rodrigo

All I can think about is the kiss. He kissed me. That's all I can think about since last night. My stomach fills with butterflies at the thought.

I lean over to grab my phone so I could text June but then it hits me all over again. We aren't friends anymore.

A seven year friendship down the drain for some cheating whore.

After five minutes of staring at a wall I finally pulled myself out of my bed. I quickly go to my dresser and grab a black tank top and my favorite hoodie.

I turn to grab my phone when it starts to ring. Hope fills me in an instant but quickly disappears when June's name isn't on the screen.

Quickly answering it and putting my phone to my ear. "Hey Papa." I whisper. "How is my sweet girl doing?" I smile at the sound of his old raspy voice.

"I'm doing okay, how are you and grandma?" I let out a small giggle when he didn't notice he was speaking in german.

I can understand it but I can't speak it that well. I say please, thank you and I love you but that's about it.

"What are you laughing about?" He asks. I miss him. "Nothing papa." I frown when he lets out a horrible cough.

He's had it for the past month. "Tell that brother of yours to answer my damn calls will you?" He said sternly.

I put my phone on speaker as I brush my hair before putting it in a claw clip. "I will. Ich liebe dich." I could practically hear him smile when he said. "Ich liebe dich."

Once we hang up I quickly get dressed before heading down stairs. "Why are you still here?" I freeze at the sound of Noah's voice.

I slowly turn to look at my older brother. Noah's  brows narrowed at me. He smiles as he tilts his head causing his fluffy brown hair to fall in his face. "You okay E?" I nod and give him a small smile.

"You seem off." Maybe that's because your best friend kissed me last night. I would have said it if he wasn't my brother.

I shake my head. "Do you think you can take me to school?" Noah tilts his head before giving me a nod. "I thought June picks you up?" He said but it came out more like a question.

My jaw clenches slightly as I look down at the floor. "She can't." I didn't feel like telling him what happened between us.

"Okay I'll take you." He agrees as he pops a piece of watermelon into his mouth. I wanted to ask if we were going to also pick up River but I didn't want to make him think of anything.

My gut was twisting at the thought of seeing him today. I couldn't tell if I was dreading seeing him or if I was excited to see him.

Either way I was going to have to see him at some point. I wonder if he was going to talk about what happened last night or if he was gonna act like it didn't happen.

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