chapter eight

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Teach me

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Teach me.

How to be your friend.

God, what am I getting myself into? I think to myself as I stare forward. It's been two days, and I still can't stop thinking about his words.


Could I really be friends with him? I groan in annoyance and drop my head in my hands. I can't even concentrate on the words that are coming out of Mrs. Cruz's mouth.

I look over to the empty spot next to me, wondering where the hell River even was. I bite the inside of my cheek as I look down at my phone and watch the three dots come up in our text messages before disappearing.

"Screw it." I say to myself, Grab my bag and leave the classroom. I didn't miss Mrs. Cruz yelling at me as I did so.

I texted June, asking her if I could borrow her car for just an hour. I wait at her locker. It only took her a few minutes.

I watch as June makes her way down the hall towards me. Her short red hair was put up into the best ponytail that it could be.

She wore bootcut jeans and one of her favorite loose jackets. "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

This is one reason why I love her. I give her a small smile as I nod my head.

Some sort of feeling bubbled in my gut the longer I stood here in the hallway. June let out a soft sigh as she handed me her car keys. Before I could grab them, she pulled her hand back.

"You'd tell me if you were selling drugs without me, right?" I let out a small laugh as I snatched the keys from her.

"Sorry, I'm running late. My customer is waiting." I joke as I start walking down the hall. I could hear my best friend laugh as I got farther away. I make my way out of the school and into the parking lot.

I bite the inside of my cheek when I pull out of the school parking lot. My stomach was twisting at the thought of mom or dad finding out that I was in June's car on the way to Rivers and not in Mrs. Cruz's class room.

I mean, mom wouldn't get that mad, but dad would. I could already see it now. I'm sitting at the kitchen table as dad tells me I shouldn't be skipping school. It's not like I would get grounded because I have a reason, somewhat.

Before I knew it, I was pulling into the driveway of Rivers' house. His pickup truck was parked in the driveway.

I sat in the car, unmoved. Maybe I should just leave. I think to myself. I look down at my hands and notice that I'm scratching the top of my nail out of nervousness.

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