chapter thirteen

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"Man, are you even listening?" I glance over at Sam, one of Noah's many friends

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"Man, are you even listening?" I glance over at Sam, one of Noah's many friends. I never liked the dude especially when he would pick on Ella when we were younger.

Sam was a pussy. He would never say or do anything to Ella when Noah was around because he knew damn well Noah would beat his ass if he heard half of the shit he said to his little sister.

"No." I grumble. Sam just rolled his eyes and placed a hand on my shoulder. Glaring at him, thankful he got the hint and removed his hand off of me.

"Did you hear about that fight at the party last weekend?" My body stilled at the question. My eyes went from person to person trying find my best friend.

Once I spotted him teasing a familiar ginger girl I let out a sigh. "Nope." I muttered, looking back at the blonde boy in front of me. If Noah found out about me and Ella he would probably kill me.

Literally. I just need to keep this hidden because I don't want to die just yet. Especially after having my Ella.

My eyes roam the school cafeteria looking for a specific brunette girl. I push off the wall, not listening to Sam as he calls my name.

When I can't find Ella in the crowds of teens I leave the cafeteria. When I am finally in the empty hallway and not in the loud cafeteria I feel more at ease.

I hate people. I can't be around too many people without feeling like I was going to panic. Entering the library quietly. I knew Ella was in here somewhere.

She either had her nose shoved in a book or listened to music. We were alike in some ways. Many ways actually. She just didn't know it yet.

I peek down each book aisles looking for Ella. My legs come to a halt when I spot her sitting on the floor at the end of a book aisle.

Her legs were stretched out in front of her. I smiled slightly when her feet couldn't touch the bookshelf in front of her.

She stretches her feet out hoping that it would magically touch. To my surprise it did, barely.

She didn't notice me staring or walking in her direction. Ella was the type of person not to pay attention to her surroundings.

Even when we were younger. She had boys at her feet but she didn't know because she was blind. Maybe she should wear her glasses more often.

I watched as she nodded her head slowly to the music. Her eyes grow wide for a moment when I sit across from her.

Ella pulls her airpods from her ears, placing them back into the small white case. She pushes her long dark brown hair out of her face.

"Why are you here?" She grumbles slightly. I chuckle a bit. "I was looking for you green." She rolls her green eyes at the nickname that I gave her when I was 10.

I was so tempted to grab her by the jaw and kiss her. If she knew all of the shit that goes through my head at the sight of her she would think I was insane.

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