chapter fifteen

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 I was right

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I was right. I was at the front, working with all the people. I hate people so to say my anxiety was at its max.

"Here is your receipt and your wristband." I say, handing it to the couple in front of me.

My fake smile faded and my head dropped. I let out a breath once the couple left. Sometimes, being in public is too much to handle.

It's hard to keep a steady breath, let alone keep my thoughts from turning into one big, mushy mess.

"Hello miss?" I hear a deep voice say: I let out a sigh. I look up, a fake smile plastered on my face. I huffed when I noticed River. "What are you doing here?" I question the man in front of me.

River took his headphone off his head, placing it around his neck. "Need you." My head swung around, looking for my older brother. "To tutor me." He continued. I glared at him, which only caused him to chuckle.

"What? did you want me to need you to crave?" I launched over the desk and grabbed him by the shirt, yanking him closer to me. "If you don't shut the hell up, my brother might hear you." I shove him away.

I quickly look around and once I don't see Noah, I mentally thank the universe.

River walks around the counter and takes a seat next to me. I watch as he pulls out his things from his bag before letting them drop to the floor next to our seats.

"I have work, Riv." He glanced around. "No one is in line." His eyes dropped back to the things in his hands. Yes, he was right but what would my parents do if I was slacking on the job?

"Are you going to teach me or not?" His deep voice fills my ears. I bite the inside of my lips as I try to make a decision.

I glance over at him. His black hair was lying messily on his forehead. "Fine." I say it with a sigh. River gives me a smile that somehow makes my insides melt.

"Shit, I don't have the note." I say this as I finally realize it. River just gives me a shrug as he puts his work back into his bag.

"It's fine green. Just let me help you then." I roll my eyes at the nickname. River takes the hat from my head and puts it on. "Why do you even call me that?" I asked.

Riv shrugs. "Your eyes are green." I feel my cheeks heat slightly. "Aw, your cheeks are red." He leans down to whisper in my ear.

I give him a big shove, as I say. "Get to work." He stumbles back a bit. "Yes ma'am." River said with a chuckle.

I let out a huff once he was out of sight. He probably went to find my brother or he left them all together. Either way, I didn't care.

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