chapter two

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"You know what? I think it should take me way longer to get ready because of all of the makeup and outfits I can't seem to pick out

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"You know what? I think it should take me way longer to get ready because of all of the makeup and outfits I can't seem to pick out. But no, you take the longest; who would have known?" I hear June say it with a laugh.

I roll my eyes at the girl I call my best friend. "You're so annoying." June laughs. She should know I don't start getting ready until I get a text saying.

'I'm going to beat the crap out of you if you are still in bed when I get there.'

"We'll be late." Good, I wanted to say but didn't. "If you hurry up, I'll get you McDonald's." Side-eyeing her before I turn to give her my full attention.

"Breakfast?" She gives me a nod. I drop my hair brush onto my bathroom counter and quickly spray on some perfume. "Okay done." I gave her a fake smile. Her jaw dropped slightly.

"You cunt." I raise my brows silently, asking her, What? "You only did this because you wanted Mickey Ds." She pointed at me like she was surprised.

"You did it on purpose." Her brows narrowed as she watched me grab my bag from the floor. "What do you mean?" I asked innocently. Laughing when June swats at my arm.


I throw my McDonald's bag into the trash as June and I enter the high school.

The loud noise fills my ears, and seeing the crowds of students has my stomach twisting into a knot. I hate everything about this shithole.

I hate the people, the drama, and the overbearing feeling in my stomach due to all of the people and noise.

I hate the feeling of waiting to just disappear, to hide away in a bathroom or empty classroom. I hate not being able to talk to people or freezing when I do manage to get a word out.

Feeling an arm on my shoulder out of nowhere. "My favorite people." I look over to see Flora. Feeling slightly uncomfortable with her arm on my shoulder.

I shook my shoulder, hoping that would get her to move her arm, but she didn't get the hint. "I'll be right back; I just have to use the restroom." I say, pushing Flora's arm off of my shoulder.

I hate people touching me, especially people I don't like. June gave me a look, silently asking if I was alright.

I give her a nod and a quick thumbs-up. I grab my backpack straps as I make my way towards the restroom.

Entering the small restroom, hoping that there is no one here. I've only been in school for about 15 minutes, and I already need a break.

I look at myself in the mirror. I can't even recognize myself anymore. I used to be so happy and able to talk to people.

But now I barely even have the energy to talk to my best friend. I feel numb, and I don't know why or what triggered it.

I take in one more deep breath after I hear the late bell ring. Turning my back on my reflection and leaving the bathroom. I walk down the now empty hallway, feeling more relaxed due to the lack of people.

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