chapter twelve

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For the rest of the day, I was in my room

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For the rest of the day, I was in my room. Amira tried to get me to talk about what happened, but I didn't know if I could tell her about River or what happened with June.

I kept checking my phone, hoping River would apologize, but he never did.

Music fills my ears as I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. A million thoughts go through my head as I brush fingers through Nix's long fur. I could feel her small chest vibrate as she purred.

Nix was probably six months old. River found her when she was only a few weeks old. He said he found her in a cardboard box by the highway.

My body jerks when my earphones blast with the sound of a phone call. "Jesus." I put a hand over my chest. I lean over and grab my phone off of my nightstand, not checking who it is before I answer.

"Hello?" I pull my phone away from my ear when loud music and people talking fill it. I quickly checked who I was even talking to.

When I read Autumn's contact name on my phone, I knew it wasn't good.

"Ella?" I faintly hear. My brow furrows in confusion when I hear Matthias instead of Autumn. "I lost my phone and Autumn. She was right here, Ella." I could hear the panic in his tone.

I throw my blanket off of me and quickly get out of bed. I use my shoulder to keep my phone in place as I struggle to lace up my converse.

"Where are you?" I could hear the hesitation when my little brother said. "A party." I roll my eyes. "Well, no shit, Matty. I need a location." I snapped.

A few seconds later, I got a message from Autumn's phone telling me their location.

It only took me a ten-minute Uber drive to get to the loud party. God, I wondered whose idea it was to come here. It was most likely Autumn's idea.

I let out a breath before going into the loud house. The smell of alcohol fills my nose immediately. How did two freshmen even get into this party?

My eyes roam the faces of drunk high school kids my age in the hope I would spot Matty or Autumn quickly so I could get out of here already.

I wasn't dressed for a party at all. I looked like a homeless person. I was in an oversize hoodie and some plaid pajama pants. I felt so stupid, even being here.

I pull my phone out and send Matty a quick text in hopes of finding him. I mumble small 'excuses me' and 'can I get through' as I move through the crowds of drunk teens.

I search for about ten minutes before I get a call from my little brother. "I found my phone and...Uh, Noah picked us up." I could hear Noah yelling at Matthias through the phone.

It was just my luck. I wasted 20 dollars to get here. God, I really need to get a car. I mumble 'okay' before I hang up.

"Ella?" I hear from beside me. I turned to find a familiar blonde girl. I give her a small smile. "I didn't know you were coming." Jayln says this over the old music.

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