chapter one

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"Get your ass up!" I hear it right before someone abruptly hits me in the back of the head

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"Get your ass up!" I hear it right before someone abruptly hits me in the back of the head. Lifting my head off of my pillow and peeling open my eyes just enough to look at who was standing in the doorway.

Amira stood in my room with a bright smile on her face. I shot out of bed, stumbling as I threw myself at my older sister.

"When...why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I shouted and pulled away. I can't believe it. Amira wasn't supposed to come until the summer. I back away from her as I look her up and down.

"What the hell did you do?" I questioned my older sister. Amira is just like my mom, or so my dad says. I remember when I was around 12, she was dropped off at home by the police.

Flash back

Rushing down the stairs at the sound of someone about to kick down the front door.

I quickly spotted Noah peeking around the corner to see what was happening. "Move your big head; it's in the way." I whined, trying to get my older brother out of the way.

Noah grabbed me, pulling me out of the view of our parents. "Shut it, big mouth." I glared up at him before turning my gaze back to the front door. "Don't call me that." I whispered yelled.

Hissing when I feel a pinch on my arm. "Stop it!" I swatted his hand. "Don't fu—" Noah clamped his mouth shut when we heard the front door open.

Dad's back faced us as the front door opened, revealing our older sister. She had a fake smile on her face. The smile that said, 'Please don't be mad.' Yeah, that smile.

A police officer stood next to Amira with a stern look on his face.

"Oh fu—ow." I hear it coming from my brother's mouth. I turned my head just in time to see Mom swat his head, giving him a stern look.

"Sorry." He smiled at mom as she walked to see who was at the front door. I bite my lips to stop the laugh from slipping past my lips.

Noah knows not to curse. At least not at home or around our parents. Mom doesn't mind just as long as he's using it correctly and not in every sentence, but dad, on the other hand, hates it.

"You're lucky she hadn't tagged anything yet, or you would be getting a call from the sheriff's department." The officer grumbled.

I watched as dad pinched the bridge of his nose before pushing up his glasses. "I dearly apologize, officer; it won't happen again." Dad's voice was low; I could barely hear what he said.

Dad hates talking to people who aren't us or mom. "Luckily for you, I'm in a good mood. If I catch Miss Fane trying to pull this little stunt again, she will be facing some charges."

Amira is the only one with the last name Fane. Mom wanted someone to keep the name going on her dad's side, so Amira's last name is Fane, while both mine and my brothers last names are Reid. "Good night, officer." Dad mumbled as he shut the door.

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