Chapter 24

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" sia.. I am really relieved you are OK." he said smiling..

" hmm.. Actually I was feeling a little down.. very little.. But after seeing you.. it faded away" I said and he cupped my face raising it up and kissed me gently..

" you are making it hard for me to leave... All because of this fucking stupid war" he mumbled and I giggled.

" lucas is it hard for you..?"

"hmm.. It's a headache dealing with those stupid enemies and the monsters are acting so weird out of the blue.. The direction of wind is unusual and the water is drying up... I wish this world will get doomed and we go back to our world"

" yeah.. I heard from others.. Everyone is so worried about their lands getting drought.. I too worried about things getting bad.. But still.. We can't be sure we will return to our world i still don't even know why and how we come here..? "

"hmm.. But I wouldn't had a chance to see you looking like a goddess statue everyday if  we were in our world" he said back hugging her

"huh..are you saying I don't look good without all these..?" I asked pouting and he smiled as he kissed my earlobe  making my heart skip a beat

" you always look beautiful still, I want to see you looking like a  princess as you are " he said..

"pfft.. You and your sweet talk .. Are you really going to  Leave lucas .. Can't you stay till morning..?"

I asked and he sighed burying his face on my neck..

" I really don't want to.. But I can't.. If I teleport now it will take atleast four hours to restore  my mana to normal.. So I have to go back now.. Bye sia.. Love you.. "

he said kissing my cheek and I turned and hugged him tight..

" I really don't want you to go... Still.. Be safe OK..? And be careful.. Love you.. Bye "

I said cupping his face and give him a kiss.he kissed all over my face and hugged me tight..

" if you guys are like this.. There is no way lucas can go back on time " we heard Tanyu's voice and saw him flying  as he is staring at us bored..

" why you punk..? Come here.." lucas said as he hold him by his collar and tanyu pouted trying to escape

" this brat is getting heavier day by day.. "lucas mumbled and tanyu suddenly kissed lucas's  cheek which made him froze from shock and he used that chance to flew to me and hide behind my back.

" did you.. just now..

Lucas turned towards us and tanyu giggled sticking out his tongue..

"pfft..why did suddenly kissed him.. You missed him that much tanyu..?" I asked and he made a stupified face..

" what the..!!  I am not.. Lucas don't want to get kissed by anyone other than you.. That's why.. hehehe "

He giggled.. Lucas sighed then looked up smiling... When he walked towards us tanyu hide behind my back.

" bye sia.. Be safe" he said caressing my face and I smiled nodding a yes...

" bye you little devil.." he said pinching Tanyu's cheek and he pouted

" bye bye lucas.." he said waving his hand bye with a smiling face

" what's with him suddenly..?" lucas mumbled

" what are you waiting for.. Go now.. So that I can spend more time with athy.. Bleh.. "

he said and lucas smacked his head and kissed my forehead before vanishing in the air..

Every rose has its thorns  ( lucathy Fanfiction ) Where stories live. Discover now