Chapter 6

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After a good rest, I felt better.. Lucas told me not use my mana  to heal myself so I didn't. when I can finally able to get up, I started walking around.. I was so surprised  when I found  we were  on the middle of a deep forest on the center  of a mountain in a huge mansion...

 I was so surprised  when I found  we were  on the middle of a deep forest on the center  of a mountain in a huge mansion

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and I was stunned  to know lucas built  this place using magic.. Cause no human can able to climb  this place and built a mansion this huge  but it's so peaceful.. I love this place... I slept for about more than ten hours a day...

Lucas was busy with his work  but always came back on time at  night and we spent time chatting.. though at  first I felt awkward  when we shared a bed,  to my surprise I slept like a log , I am glad he was  not forcing me in other things.. When he first lied down on bed  beside me.. My heart jumped out of my chest.. But he said

"relax .. I won't touch you without your permission don't worry.."

I don't know why, but I felt a bit sad.. Like tiny.. So tiny.. ant size sad..?  Not only that.. He was treating me nice  all the time.. He isn't at all  glaring at me like he used to when we were in  uni . Whenever he see me his gaze goes soft and harmless.. Which made me feel  like I am someone  special to him... He was  like a completely different person.. I was surprised and happy when he answered all my questions from the  silliest to complicated.. Since he know more about this world than me I was so  curious about almost everything .. As the smartass  he is, he have an  answers for my every  questions ..

I was happy because he answered everything  Patiently even though I bothered him all night with my nonstop questions.. He was so nice to me that  I can't even stay mad at him.. I felt like we became close.. like friends..? in these  three days. Now  I am  completely fine.. Leaning on the railing watching the moon from the balcony.. This place have such a beautiful view.

" aren't you cold..?"

I heard his voice  low and  seducing   and felt something warm.. I turned back to saw him standing behind me and covered me with his cloak... So warm..

"may be a little..? Thanks." I said covering myself with his  cloak.

" then come inside dummy.."

he dragged me inside.. Sometimes him  Being overcaring is spoiling my mood.. Like now..

"  sia .." he called me with a  hesitating  look.

" hmm..?" I hummed back  as I covered myself with blanket.. It's so cold  in the night time ..

"  I think... We should cancel our trip.. You should stay here .. I will finish my work and come back.." he said and I stared at him surprised...

"Haah.. Why...?  I am looking forward to this so much... No.. take me with you.." I said  and he sighed.

I won't get convinced.. He was the one who made me look forward to it.. Now I won't let him spoil it .. He stared at me for a while I know he already figured out I won't back off and let out another sigh in defeat..

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