Chapter 1: The Letter

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Reich's POV:
The breeze of a fresh wind and Summer went along my body, as I slowly open my eyes to find myself in a slightly by sun lightend room. I slowly get up, as my Body started Aching. My Back startet Hurting a little and I Realized I was in my sons room, Germany.
He hadn't been feeling well Recently. He has been coughing a lot, sneezing and everytime i looked at him I eithet saw his Black eyes looking tiredly upon me or his bright red Skin looking more and more similar to a red-white-ish. I slowly got up from the chair I fell asleep on and got him a extra Blanket. Today I would have to leave and go to the warzone. I couldn't leave my soldiers to fight alone. A true leader doesn't leave their soldiers in warzone.

I went towards the Kitchen, expecting nothing more then my normal daily breakfast and maybe a coffee. I enter tbe Kitchen to find my Maid looking blankly at me.

Sir an Important letter has arrived.

(Thank you)

I sit down and enjoy my breakfast. As Germany slowly trembles into the kitchen.

Goodmorning Papa

He stutters as he slowly approaches and hugs me.

How do u feel little fellow?

I tried sounding calm, making my son feel save and reassured.
Even tough I know he is badly ill and will recover soon, I am scared we will be attacked. It wouldn't be the first time but Germany once barely made it, running in the woods nearby.
I feel my stomach turning within the memories of my son running towards my car on that one afternoon on my way home.
I Remember him having wounds all over his body and his face shimmering in tears. It took about one and a half years for him to slowly forget that incident. Traumatizing.

Germany looked at the envelope in my hand. He looked sad, as he saw the words "War meeeting". He knew exactly I will have to go soon.
I just hope he knew, this was all just for him and his future. If i didnt bring this behinr me, children in the future would have to fulfill it.

I went down on my knees, going on his level

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I went down on my knees, going on his level.

I promise, I will come back in one piece, Gemany.

I said whilst looking him directly in the eyes. I saw his little black eyes getting teary again and he hugged me. I hugged him Tight back.
I just hope I can keep my promise to him and survive this war. With or without injuries.
I had send Germany back to bed and ordered the maid to bring him his food.
I got up and headed to my workplace. My Hand grip onto the envelope got stronger by each step. I hope Nothing happened. I carefully shut the door and stared at the envelope in my Hands. I sat down on my comfy office chair and opened the letter with a sharp Pocketknife. Before I looked at the letter, I take a look around my office, my eyes wandering from the window to my desk and onto a beer bottle on one of my shelves. I freeze, as memories shiver trough my body, making me unable to move.

Screams. Screams from my dads office run along the walls of his mansion. I went on my knees, Begging. Begging him not to hit me. He looked me straight in the eyes and grabbed me by neck and pressed me against the wall. Tear by Tear ran down my cheek, as he quickly emptied the bottle. I shortly saw him hold tight on the bottle before I feel something hard on my head. Then everything went black. He had done this often. The pain got worse and worse but his dad never cared.
(Flashback over)

I focused on opening the letter and reading it. My eyes hurried along the sentences, quickly starting to skip some words. And there was it. The sentence he was waiting for.

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