Chapter 10: Bloodshot

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Reich's POV:

As soon France fainted, Soviet had dropped the cabinet door and rushed to catch her. He carried her into a spare room, whilst Italy and I looked at the Knifes everywhere and the previous caused mess. Italy had a expression of guilt appear on his face. I immediately comforted him. We all were tired and I just wanted to sleep. I slowly dragged Italy to his room. On the way into my room, a hand caught me and pulled me into my room by force. 'I swear to god if this is Soviet I'll fu-' It was Soviet. I gave him a tired look, but he just picked me up in Bridal style, threw me on the bed and climbed ontop of me. „Soviet, not now.." My voice sounded annoyed but secretly I enjoyed this position. „Shut up and stop moving..!" Soviet complained before he hugged me. „Or what?" I simply replied. He looked up and we locked eyes. He was drop-dead-serious: „Or I will fuck you." I bursted out laughing. „PFFT-". „Don't belive me?" Soviet fastly took of his shirt, still pinning me down. „I warned you." „SOVIET IM SORRY PLEASE-"

The next Morning I woke up from the loud noises in the kitchen. I looked onto my wall clock. „10am already?!" I grunted from annoyance. I turned around but immediately felt a sharp pain shoot trough my leg. At that moment Memories rushed into my toughts, leaving me bright red. 'That fucker did not..' I slowly sat on the edge of my bed, ignoring müthe pain. Somehow I felt a mixture of Pain and numb legs- I couldn't really describe it. I looked onto my nightstand and saw some painkillers. I sighed in relief and took them. I immediately changed clothes afterwards and went to check on France. She wasn't in her bed anymore. Instead I heard Yelling from downstairs. Poor France.

I rushed downthe wooden stairs, into the kitchen, to see everyone was gathered in the living room. I slowly approached the Argument, as I listened to what they said. 

F: „I am sorry Soviet, I Apologised a few hundert times by now. What else do you want   Monsieur?" (Sir)

S: „Maybe pay for the damages? I don't know?! A ‚Sorry' won't cut it!"

Ru: „Dad.. calm down.."

S: „Russia, stay away. She could of have killed us." 

A: „It's My fault, Mr. Soviet! I threw a egg at her in First place!"

S: „America, that's no reason for her to try and kill us all."

At this point France was in tears. Her face wasn't visible, since she just sobbed and quietly cried into her Hands. I felt bad. France has always been a wonderful friend. It hurts to see her like this. I approached her and wanted to comfort her, as Soviet grabbed my wrist. „Stay away from her." His eyes glared at me but I didn't care one single bit. I gave him a blank expression and he looked hurt. Deserved. I sat beside France and hugged her. Italy patted her shoulder from the other side. Soviet looked a little angered, but he didn't give much of a reaction. Behind him America, Germany and Russia were quietly whispering to eachother. They all turned around in sync and stretched their tongue out. Then all of them lifted their right Hand and showed him the middle finger.

Me and Italy looked at eachother and bursted out laughing. Soviet raised an eyebrow and France looked up, shocked from the mood change. As she saw what the trio was doing, she chuckled. Soviet quickly turned around, but they all had already went back in their old positions. America cowered in the corner, Germany hid behind the couch and Russia leaned against the wall, sunk in toughts. How had they moved so fast? I chuckled again and helped France up. Her face was a little white and she needed a bit of fresh Air. Soviet just turned back and walked to the kitchen and started pulling out the knifes from the cabinet. 

France and I headed towards the Park. We both were pretty quiet until France quietly asked: „Tu l'aimes, n'est-ce pas?" (You love him, don't you?) „What?" I replied. I understood every of her words but I was shocked she knew. „Tu dois mieux cacher le fait, tu l'aimes, Reich" (You have to get better at hiding the fact, you love him, Reich) I felt my face flush, before Reality hit me. „Don't you disgust us then..?" She looked at me, reassuring. „Reich if you have to know something about love, it's that.." she paused for a second, as a slight breeze passed us. „..gender never really matters and you will never be able to Control who you love.". She sighed. „You know.. before Britain I secretly crushed on two people. I was really desperate for love back then." Frances dark blue dress slightly lifted up a little, due to the wind. „Who were those two?"  I replied. She took a deep breath. „I-i used to.. love Italy.. but I didn't want to ruin our friendship.." „..and who is the second guy?" She chuckled a little. „Well it was Finnland 🇫🇮" My jaw dropped. „A girl?!" She smiled a little. „Yep a girl. For me love is love. Nothing you can or will be ever able to control..", she turned to me. „But I would be careful, Reich. Sometimes people are hiding more then you think" I looked at her. „I know. I learned from experience." „He told you?". Again. My jaw dropped. „How do you know-?" I replied. She answered me: „Well, after you were stabbed Soviet had a Mental break down. He came to me and claimed, he knew everyone else would of have left him locked up in prison." My body began to shake a little. „And you didn't get him locked up?" „Well at first I was skeptical. But Soviet looked devastated. He even told me the reason he has done this."

 She paused again and scanned her surroundings. Her grip tightened around her umbrella. „Reich-" Someone jumped out of the bushes. For a second I had the figh or flight reflex, but I quickly gathered my toughts. France pulled out her umbrella and  untied the bow in it, whilst dodging the attacks. The attacker was angrily swinging around with his long knife. France pulled off the top of her umbrella to reveal a even longer knife. Why the actual fuck does she keep a knife in her umbrella. She quickly unarmed the attacker and the knife flew towards me. I grabbed it. France had her knife leaned towards the attackers neck. He didn't dare to move. „Who, are you?!" „None of your business ma'am." he replied. At the same time he forcefully pushed France's knife aside and pulled out a gun. France immediately dropped her knife. The attacker turned to me. „You too." I obeyed and dropped the knife. He looked at me, in disgust. Then he looked at France, also in disgust. „Homosexual Assholes.." He whispered. Before I could say anything, a gunshot filled the atmosphere and I felt an intense pain rise in my body. I dropped on my knees, holding my stomach. France gasped. I heard another gunshot  and France also fell. The last thing I saw, was Soviet slowly approaching the Attacker from behind.

Everything went black.


Hell nah This took wayy to long. /jk My last chapter had 2k+ words tho so im really happy! Btw does anyone bother commenting anything?- I have the feeling no one even bothered to- /-blue

Notes: one spell check

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