Chapter 9: the „Incident" after Confession

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Russia's POV:

I gasped and fell over. „What.." I whispered. America was now beside me and pulled me slightly on my arm, wanting us to go away. I knew my dad wanted his space so I followed Ame. I felt Tears swell in my eyes, whilst Ame hugged me. I didn't mean to make my dad have..those toughts tears now slowly rolled down my cheek and Ame wiped them quickly away.

A: „It's not your Fault, Russ."

I felt anger grow in me, as Ame said those words. I pushed him away, making him Fall down. He looked at me in shock.

A: „Russia! Calm down!"


A: „Russ, don't be so hard on urself! You will get mad agai-"

Ru: „SHUT UP!"

A: „Russ we talked about this, calm dow-"


Anger overtook me and I grabbed him by the neck. I saw him struggle to breathe so I put him down. I couldn't think properly and I got all dizzy. I felt my feet giving up, before I fell over. I felt my Body fall against Ame- then some Poltering and I blacked out.

Soviet's POV: 

I heard Russia and America scream- well more Russia. I knew he was stressed. He always acts like that when he is stressed. I sighed and slowly got up. I had huge eyebags under my eyes and my eyes were swollen. This was the first time I had shown emotions towards my son. I layed my hand on the doorknob and slowly turned it. I stepped into the barely lightened hallway and made my way over the wooden stairs. I saw 2 silouettes laying at the bottom of the stairs. Scared, I ran down the stairs and almost tripped. I rolled Russia on the side and slowly carried him into the living room on the couch. I left America laying omn the ground. „I'm not going to touch that filthy capitalist.." 

I murred and just headed back to my office. I looked at the floor, which was filled with glass pieces, so i grabbed a broom from the corner  and sweeped everything on a pile and threw the pile in the bin. I sat back in my chair in silence, as the Sunlight shimmered on a black object. I felt my blood run cold. Had Russia seen it? I quickly grabbed it and layed it back in the drawer. At the same time I saw a car pull up in our frontyard. „Fuck..the Capitalist is still on the floor..", I murred before rushing to bring America somewhere else. I shoved him in the Storage room and gave him some extra sleeping pills, to not wake up. I stared at the Capitalist's ugly face. Why did Russia had to have such a bad taste again? Then I shut the door from the storage room and locked it. I rushed over to Russia and carried him into his bedroom. Afterwards I got quickly ready in the bathroom. 

The Doorbell Rang, as I just had finished combing my hair. I walked towards the door with steady steps and opened it. 

S: „Reich?!"

R: „Hello Soviet! How come ur so suprised? Didn't the letter arrive?"

S: „I uhm.. ohh yeah.. that uh letter."

Reich just raced a eyebrow and pushed Germany into the Building. Why was he actually here? I just shut the door behind them and got a little nervous. Russia leaned his suitcase against a wall. 

R: „Germany is a little tired Soviet. Can he have a room?"

S: „Oh yeah! Im just gonna get the bedroom ready- I was kind off a little busy"

R: „Alright Soviet!"

I just rushed towards the bedroom hall and luckily found 2 clean bedrooms with done beds. I knew Russia had Invited Germany over, even tough I told him not to bring any guest's into the house. I just turned back and walked down the stairs. I quickly grabbed Reich's and Germanies Suitcases and signaled Reich to follow me. He obeyed and I leaded them into their Bedrooms. Reich stayed in Germanies room for a little, so I had time to wake America up. I rushed to the closet door and opened it.

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