Chapter 2:Car ride

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Soviet's POV:
I left the Warzone a few hours ago. On my way to Great Reich. I hope that Fucking idiot grew a brain within the last 7 Months. Dumb Fucker Decided to drink beer during a battle. He must have gotten the letter. Countless German Soldiers died during a surprise attack. He will have to write letters home to their families. A lot of tears will shed during the war. We need to hurry up and bring Reich to warzone.

S:Excuse me, please drive faster.

D:Of course Soviet, whatever u need.

Only 30 more minutes until we are at his Mansion I remember how his son barely survived on an attack. That was such a clear skill issue. Not even hiring good bodyguards.

Reich's POV:
Exactly 578 Soldier's were found dead. A lot more of them Missing. I stared down at the paper, which now fell to the ground. A feeling of guilt overcame me. Angrily, I took the beer bottle off the shelve and smashed it to the ground. I don't even want to think about how many children lost their Vaters. I sank to ground in the corner of my workplace. Trying to overcome the shock of the death counts. My eyes stared at the Letter, which had clearly the words:

578 Deaths.
Thousands missing.

I had failed so many lives. So many deaths. Because of.. Me? I heard a sharp knock and immediately knew who was there. Soviet.

(No ones) POV:
Soviet came in Reich's workplace with steady steps, then froze. He looked at the shattered place, then found him in the corner. His golden eyes lost themselves and for the first time Reich saw him.. Worried?

My dear alley, are you alright?

Soviet eyes looked lost. But clearly, he realized soon and his cold, straight face was back.

We will be having to go soon, pack ur stuff Reich

Reich's POV:
As I saw his expression change, I felt cold. I straightly got up and excused me to the bathroom. I packed my stuff and left it in the hallway, as I approached my sons room. Germany was hidden under his blanket and I immediately got why.

I shivered. Staring at My son. Had I scared him so badly? Its all my fucking fault. I.. I have to do something? But what..?

Soviet's POV:
Lots of things ran trough my head, as I walked off with a straight face. I have never seen him so devastated. It felt bad. I'm not sure why I did, but I care about Reich a lot Actually... WAIT NO. I CANT LIKE A FUCKING DUMB AND DRUNK MAN. I felt someone starting at me. I changed my expression and steadily turned around. Oh Hell Nah. Reich saw me starteld. I had made some fool of myself. But he is kinda.. SHUT UP. I quickly turned around and ran towards the car. God im such a fool.
Reich came a few minutes later, he looked starteld. During the ride we didnt talk one word. I tought about how my dad tought me to not show my emotions.

"Emotions make u look weak"

Hey always said. I focused on the ride, making sure the driver wouldn't take a wrong turn. At the same time I saw how Reich's wings had covered him like a shield I didn't hesitate to grab his wings and push them aside.

S: "U alright, Reich?"
S:"Alright, don't worry. And don't 'bro' me Reich"

I saw his face turning bright red, before he quickly shielded his face again. I smirk as we drove along the path to warzone. It was a 4-5hour drive, so it was not very long.
It was very beautiful outside. Because it was autumn (or fall), the leaves of the trees were wonderful shades of orange yellow and some even red creating a beautiful eye pleasing sight. It was all very pretty and such, but not pretty enough to keep me awake. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

Reich pov:
I just got into the car, and not long after, I heard snoring noises. I looked over to Soviet and saw him sleeping against the window. "Was he seriously sleeping right now?" I thought to myself. Well great this was going to be a long drive.

Soviet pov:
Eventually I woke up

R: "So you're finally awake?"
S: "Haha, yes, I slept quite well."
R: "You sound like a bear sleeping."

He mumbled a bit quietly

S: "I will take that as a compliment."

I chuckled

S: "You know I used to have a pet bear when I was younger."
R: "Really?"

He sounded quite intrigued

S: "Yes but I don't want to bore you with my childhood stories."
R: "Please tell me about it. I would like to know."
S: "Alright, alright, but only because you wanted it. He was a little baby bear and I named him пушистый (fluffy). He was very nice and I always played with him in the forest. I would make him little flower crowns, and we would wrestle in the grass."
R: "That sounds like fun."
S: "Yes it was very fun! But the fun didn't last very long. My father shot the bear."
R: "Poor bear!"
S: "Hah, so you're finally feeling sympathy for another creature?"
R: "Hey I do feel sympathy just not for a stupid Russian like you."

He said the last part a bit quietly, but I just ignored him.

S: "I actually don't know if that story is true."
R: "Did you make it up or something?"
S: "I don't know, but my son said I would always tell him and his siblings that story. I just don't have any memory of it."

I looked a bit sad saying that last part, but I quickly reverted back to my cold, emotionless face.

R: "I'm very sorry for you."

He said softly
S: "You're just saying that to make me feel better. Earlier you said you didn't feel sympathy for you right?"

I said with a smirk on my face

The rest of the car rid estayed quite. I dozed off for a while, as suddenly a gunshot came out of nowhere. Great. An Attack. The Bullet shot right at the carwindow and i froze. I saw something dark Covering me and heard glass shatter. I turned around to see Reich biting his lips in pain. That Dude Protected me? I saw sweat running over Reich's face as he turned his head around and put his wings back to normal position. Another gunshot appeared but this time it hit the tire.

R: "WHAT?!"

Purple : "Haha cliffhanger!"
Blue : "Hey why did you delete some of my story?"
Purple: "Don't worry I'll put it in the next chapter."
Blue: „Meanie" 😒

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