*special* chapter ;)

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Thank you all for 200 reads :D

This is a special smut chapter so uhh yeah yall have been warned :>

This is a extra part of chapter 10 and smut chapter :D
Reich pov:
Soviet fastly took off his shirt, still pinning me down. "I warned you." "SOVIET IM SORRY PLEAS-" before I could finish my sentence I was cut off by Soviet who started undressing me. "Be quiet" he said with a calm and tender voice but still direct and kinda hot- before I knew it we were both fully undressed. Oh how I loved to see Soviet like this his bulky muscular biceps, sweet six pack and his huge dick. Wait what-? I tried to look away but I couldn't. I felt a long slimy object penetrate my body. Oh how I loved this feeling even though its my first time. I couldn't help but moan. I tried to stay quiet but Soviet still heard me. Damn I hope he locked the door. I tried to break away but he was too strong and I secretly enjoyed this. This sensation its.. amazing. It was about 15-20 minutes before we were both satisfied. We cuddled up to each other and Soviet kissed me. Passionately. Eventually he moved to my neck and started sucking km ot creating a hickey. It tickled a bit at some places but that just adds to the enjoyment .
I'm just gonna uhm end it here 😳
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Yall got caught in 4K /-Purple

This is very Childrenfriendly👍 /-blue

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