Chapter 4: Reappearance

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Reich's POV: I stared at Soviet. Memories came flashing in my head:


S: „W-why Reich.. after all I gave u.."

R: „Shut up Soviet. You know Nothing."


I saw him use his last strength to yell at me. I was a heartless bitch. I know. After he used his strength I found the box and letter. Oh what a bitch I was.I had betrayed the love of my life for something I could have dodged. If I just haven't met „???"..(Flashback ends)

S: „Reich? Are you alright?"

I stared down at the rose.

S: „Hey listen, if its about the Rose, don't worry its just out of pure friendship!"

I froze. „Friendship". 'If he only knew. If i hadn't betrayed him. If he would have remembered everything..' (Third Person POV:) Reich couldn't breathe. He struggled. „Wenn er nur wüste.." He whispered.

S: „What? Reich? Are you okay? Listen im sorry if i made you uncomfortable, Its just- Reich? REICH BREATHE YOU FUCKING- REICH?!"

Soviet's POV:

Damn I hope he doesn't kill me for this. Then Reich had fainted. Soviet immediately called medical assistance and Reich got brought to a special Tent. Whilst Reich was in the medic tent, Soviet brain was a Mess:

„Its all my fault he fainted"

„Did i put him under too much pressure?"

„I really hope he is okay"

„Reich looked bothered by something"

„Is he keeping something from me?"

All kinds of things ran trough his mind. He grabbed a Vodka bottle out of his tent and finished 4 shots. That night Soviet couldn't sleep at all. 'I'm feeling dizzy.. maybe its the Vodka? It can't be. I only drank 4 shots I usually drink about 10.'

The next day Soviet woke up by the noise of the tent closing. Was that Reich? He immediately got up with all excitement. He ran toward some moving bushes he had spottet to stand still. Reich was sitting on a Stone holding the Rose🌹 in his Hands. That wasn't the problem tough. Reich was Crying. I didn't think twice and just hugged him. A slight blush can over my face.

Yes I admit now to myself I like him.

I didn't care tough. All I wanted is happiness. I looked at Reich, who blushed. OH I WAS STILL HUGGING HIM?! I jumped and looked embarrassed. Reich stared at mr with a lost expression. Then smiled. But this time it was a warm, real smile. I just laughed and fell to floor realizing I looked stupid.

R: „Du siehst dumm aus"(You look stupid)

I just laughed my ass off and Reich laughed too, when another guard came, to inform us we had to move deeper into Poland to win the war. Reich just smiled and said:

R: „Dankeschön"

Reich's (&Third person) POV:
Reich and Soviet got up, to pack their stuff. War wasn't over yet. Whilst Soviet was doing his daily thing, Reich was more devastated. Yes he loved Soviet. But someday Soviet will regain his memory. He packed in a shiny old sword. It was the sword he had stabbed Soviet with. Memories filled his body and he almost teared up again. 'Why did it have to be so hard..?' Reich quickly pushed those toughts away, as Soviet came to him. Soviet saw the sword. (Soviet's) Memories suddenly appeared quickly: He was stabbed, a bloody knife appeared.
Soviet saw how the knife had fallen to ground. Then be heard sobbing and Reich had called guards and medic. He always wondered who killed him that day. But he had to be patient, to remember all of it. Soviet stared at the knife and snapped. Reich had saved him and probably picked up the sword. I mean- I can't blame him, the sword was made out of a stable, rare metal. We jumped on our car and we drove all the way to middle Poland. The next Warzone.

Poland's POV:
P: Go ask "???" For help, soldier

So: As you wish, Poland.

P: We need to have a plan B..

Reich's POV:

What if me and Soviet could have a mew start? I would have to tell him the truth tough... And i will take that risk. Soviet deserves to know the truth behind my behaviour. Reich shivered within the tought of Soviet mot liking him anymore. But he had to.. if they win the war. He grabbed in his pocket and he felt the box. How did it get there? He also felt something sharp against his hand ans pulled it out. His face got whiter than the circle around his symbol. Who had gave him these?

Soviet's POV:

I looked over to Reich. His face was actually white. I saw him hold an envelope in his hand. What was in there? I snatched the letter out of his hands and opened it.


S: Relax Reich, its not like it will destroy the world


S: Reich, are you alright? Is it that bad? Is someone threatening you or something?


Reich was furious- over a letter. I just started reading it, as something pulled me over to him. He had shielded stfu we aint with his wings.

R: Hand it over.

S: Not until I read it

The less Reich wanted me to read it, the more my Curiosity grew. What was in the envelope? I pushed Reich's wings gently aside and Unfolded the letter. Luckily the Soldiers couldn't hear our conversation due to the background noises. Reich looked at me more shocked then in disbelief. He just covered himself in his wings, making himself a privat place I didn't think anything lf it, and just read the letters. It was more like a note. I read it. Word for word. The letter didn't resemble a letter. It was more like a note. My face straightened as i realised, that this was, how i used to describe Reich. It was also MY Handwriting. My hand were shaking, slowly getting to the end of the note. Then i read a word. That one word made my stomach turn. My face was cold as ice. I just stared at the letter. I looked at reich, who's wings now where back in original place. His moth had slightly opened. He knew what I had just read. And he knew i was flustered. I stared back at the word. In clear letters it stood there: ‚marry'

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