Chapter 11: A „Neutral" Country

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Soviet's POV:

After Reich and France had left, Italy bombed me. He yelled at the top of his lungs, talking about what an Asshole I was. I just sat on the couch, trying to ignore him. Germany, America and Russia had went to the kitchen, to start cleaning up. Italy yelled at me. „YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! HOW DARE YOU YELL AT FRANCE?! YOUR EVEN MORE HORRIBLE THEN 'ANANAS SU PIZZA'" (Pineapple on Pizza) And so on. I felt Russia tugging my sleeve, he looked at me with ampale face. „Dad, can we go to France and Reich?" I sighed. „Sure, I guess." Italy calmed down a little. We all got ready and went outside, into the park. Italy looked at me the entire time in disgust, which made me pretty uncomfortable. Russia just tried not to laugh. But seriously: FRANCE COULD OF HAVE KILLED US. 

At that moment we heard a gunshot. America held his ears, Germany went pale and Russia was shocked. Italy grabbed a gun from his pocket. So did I. We shoved the kids in some bushes and sneaked towards the scene. There I saw Reich kneeling on the floor and France's face whiter then usual. Another gunshot teared the silence and France fell down too. France was shot in the side and Reich was shot straight in the stomach. „Чертов мудак..." (Fucking Asshole..) I whispered. My hands balled into fists, as I slowly approached the attacker from behind. Reich blacket out and I punched the Attacker right in the head. He was starteled, but I pointed my gun at him. „Drop the weapon." He immediately obeyed, and kneeled down. I signaled Italy to come and he brought the Attacker to the Police, whilst I rushed France and Reich into the Hospital. 

France's Operation took only about 1 hour, whilst Reich's Operation wasn't even done after 5. I got really nervous. What if he wouldn't make it? It's all France's fault.. No. It was America's. The fucking Capitalist. Of course he planned all this. I walked around a few times. Suddenly Italy came bursting Into the hospital. He looked stressed. „SOVIET, SOVIET!" He yelled. I rushed over to him. Italy looked frightened. „Is the Attacker in prison?" I asked. Italy looked at me in horror. „He would of have been!" he gasped. He looked like he ran dozens of miles. „B-but.." „But what?" „HE CLAIMED I ATTACKED HIM! I GOT LEFT OFF WITH A WARNING, BUT THERE WASN'T EVEN PROOF IT WAS ME! NEITHER WAS THERE PROOF IT WAS HIM!" „So he is running around free?!" At that point Italy looked like he was going to faint on the spot. I grabbed his arm and we got him some water. „Thank you Sovietico" (Soviet in Italy) He swallowed the entire glas. He looked scared. „What happened afterwards?" Italy looked really nervous. „W-well h-he.." „He what? Italy, what did he do?!" At that point Italy looked like he was going to vomit, so I sat him down on a chair. „Italy. What. Did. He. Do?" Italy literally was so pale, he looked like he's seen a ghost- no he was so pale, he looked like he IS a ghost. Italy slowly calmed down. „The Attacker chased me after we left the Police station. I could of have died. But no one is going to believe a short ass country like me- even tho there are shorter ones. The Identity of the Attacker stayed anonymous tough." Soviet looked angered. „Don't worry, Italy. I will handle that later." I patted Italy's shoulder.

Suddenly a nurse approached us: „France is ready for visits! Two people at once, 10 minutes maximum and no physical contact." The nurse turned around and leaded us to France's room. Italy looked a little relieved, But what was with Reich? The Nurse pointed to a room, then nervously turned around. What was going on? I quietlz sat by a chair, as Italy was crying of happiness. I couldn't help but feel nervous all the time. France gave me a few worried looks, but Italy was to overwhelt, that France had survived the gunshot. ten Minutes passed by fastly, as Italy bombed France with questions, whilst she replied with a slightly shaking voice. Another Nurse came in and we had to leave the room. Italy quickly said goodbye. As we went out of the room, We saw Germany, Russia and American sitting there.

Germanies face was pale, America's expression was blank and Russia looked worried. „What happened?" I asked, kneeling so I could look into Russia's eyes. „Well.. two people left us today.." My heart froze. „Colonies died today, because his surgery failed. America is now a Country." I scanned America and indeed. He is slowly growing the size of his dad. Then I looked at Russia. His body was shaking. „I.. I don't wanna know how you will react..." His voice started shaking. His arm slowly lifted as he poinget at Germany, who also slowly grew the size of his father. My entire body froze for a second. Italy was as shocked as me. At that moment a Nurse came out of Reich's Operating room. I glanced at her. She just slightly shook her head and walked away, facing the ground. Germany broke into tears, as Italy rushed to comfort him and America. I stood up. My Hands were shaking uncontrollably. „I have to go to the bathroom.." Italy nodded, as I rushed away. Tears were now swelling into my eyes. I locked myself into the bathroom and my breath quickened. „No, no, no, no.." I quietly sobbed. „Reich isn't dead..he can't.." I ended up crying in the bathroom for half an hour. I couldn't bear the fact that I lost Reich.

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