Chapter 12: Locked up (the end)

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France's POV: 

I slowly opened my eyes, to see some grey metal bars infront of me. I grabbed onto one and slowly lifted my body off the cold metal floor. My gaze slowly sharpened, as my Hands grip tighter onto the Metal bar. My legs could barely even hold their own weight and my eyes flattered a little. My Vision slowly sharpened and I looked around the room. The room was made out of thick concrete walls and floors with only one single candle lighting up the place. In the room itself you could recognise human sized cages, formed into a circle. I squinted my eyes and saw Japan and China still unconscious on the ground, whilst Italy was walking around in circles, South Korea has sat down on the floor, trying to not get mad. You could see huge marks in the Metal bars, some were even a little read from hitting it the entire time and for Soviet- well he sat in the corner of his cage, facing the wall. I felt Italy and South Korea follow my gaze to Soviet. We gave eachother a concerning look. Italy was the first one to break the Silence „Everything alright, Sovietico?" South Korea Replied, „Your colours look pale, 옛 소련" I gathered myself and also said something „What happened to Reich's Body?" We all saw Soviet just stop moving. He seemed scared until you could hear quiet sobbing coming from his cage. I felt my heart shatter, seeing Soviet in such a Moment. He never showed any emotions, despite crying infront of all of us. His sobbing slowly got quieter, until he stuttered something out. „T-they..." „They what?" I said, I  knew exactly why Soviet was acting like this and gave both, Italy and South Korea a look, to which they both knew what had happened. „They threw Reich's c-crumb-beled-d b-body.." He paused again and took a deep breath. „into the river." We all knew, how hard this was for Soviet. I gasped in shock, Italy's jaw dropped and South Korea's eyes just widened. Italy whispered clearly: „Accidenti, amore illegale-" (Jeez, Illegal love-) Suddenly a metalic door creaked open and was slammed against the concrete wall. Japan and China snapped out of their dream and looked at two figures walking towards the middle of the hall. The silhouette had a steady figure and controlled steps, whilst a smaller figure just trailed after them. The taller one had a Black and white business suit on and their flag was a bright blue with the world map in the middle of their flag, which was in a circle. The smaller one wore a black coat bur you could recognise two glowing red eyes in the dark. The smaller one shifted their Hands and- Italy and South Korea Bursted out laughing on the floor, irritating the Taller one, whilst China, Japan and I just chuckled along. The smaller country just adjusted her hands and showed both middle fingers towards the taller one. As soon the Taller one turned to the smaller one, they quickly hid their hands behind their back. The Taller one finally spoke: „Hello, my dear guests. I am UN, short for United Nations 🇺🇳. And this bac is-" „Shut up Motherfucker, I can Introduce myself." The smaller one lifted their Cape, to reveal a pair of glowing red eyes. They took a quick glance over the cages and continued: „Hey fuckers, I am UC, UN is my brother and I go by they/them, please" UN gave her a disgusted look and replied „UC, Pronouns is defined by whatever is in ur Pants." UC lifted their eyebrow. „Oh, so your a dick?" „UC stop the nonsense the only pronouns that exist are she/her or he/him." „Too bad Im they/them fucking bitch." UN looked at her in disgust, but eventually just shrugged it off. „What do you want?" a cold voice appeared from a corner. Soviet was still facing the wall, not even daring to face the 'enemy'. I saw UC slip into the shadows, spreading stuff around the room, without UN Noticing. „Well, I have indeed two reasons." UC's Shadow slipped back to UN. „Well firstly, Im bored and I'd like to hear people's screams from burning in fire." I looked over to Japan, who had an scared-angry mixed expression in her face. „Secondly, pretty much everyone is/was gay at least once" South Korea Blushed in embarrassment, whilst Italy's jaw just dropped: „wait I was gay-?" „I will leave you guys to UC" and with that words, UN left the Concrete room. UC gave us a glance, with a slight smirk on their face. She just grinned at us and suddenly spoke: "Yall are in giant bird cages. How funny is that? Squak squak I'm a bird squak squak! Hah, yall are such losers." Italy took it Personally and said: „Sei esattamente come Pineapple on Pizza, quindi almeno portami un crocifisso o una somma, fottuta stronza" (You're exactly like Pineapple on Pizza, so at least get me a crucifix or sum, you fucking bitch) UN didn't mind and simply replied: „Ya really think Satan's Kid has a crucifix, Asshole?" Italy just shut himself up at this Point. „Aye france ne vous occupez pas de mes talents d'acteur, et faites semblant d'être inquiet" (translate this urself) I nodded, as UC suddenly drooped dead on the floor. I gasped again, as suddenly I heard an explosion row up behind each cage, making a pile of dust Appear in the room. At the same time I saw a taller Silhouette with a hat approach my cage. „Well what happened this time?" He said grabbing my waist and slightly leaning me backwards. „Nothing, mon amour" I grinned and he gave me a slight kiss on the cheek. By now everyone has gotten out of their Cages and UN bursted into the room. He even glanced at the „unconscious" UC, but didn't move a muscle towards them. He gave us one defeated glance, before a pile of rocks corrupted on him. UC rolled aside and stood up. They spreaded their wings and lifted in the air a little. „He isn't dead fuckers, I'd recommend moving to Mars, idrk." She shot up in the air and glided into the horizont. Soviet was still sunken in toughts. 'I don't deserve to live'

Soviet's POV: (Timeskip to a week later)

I slowly stood on the edge of a familiar cliff. Memories flooded my mind about this place. It was the warzone. I took a deep breath, ready to fulfil my Last step into.. Suddenly a warm Hand grabbed my wrist. „Don't." she gasped under her breath. „I want to be with him, why do you even care." „Soviet.. Russia will miss you..." „He has Ame." My breathing felt heavier and my heartbeats were pounding faster then ever. „But-" I rolled up my sleeve, interrupting France's words. She gasped, staring at my arm. „Russia is taking my place now.." I felt my Heartbeat slowing down. France looked at my floating wrist. She nodded and took a step back. „See you in afterlife" She said with a shaking voice. I smiled and turned around, letting the wind breeze past my skin. Then I took my final step...this time into the afterlife. 


Ayooo the end, had fun reading? Maybe yall dont mind giving me any writing tips or sum? 

*+completing the book+* /- Blue & Purple
Aw dang I wanted to continue it anyways
Suck my balls /-Purple

*+completing the book+* /- Blue & PurpleAw dang I wanted to continue it anywaysSuck my balls /-Purple

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