Chapter 5: The truth?

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Soviet's POV:

I tried finding my Voice as i stared at the letter

S: „Reich...I.. Who wrote this letter

Reich didn't answer me. He just stared in my eyes. I was deeply shocked. Had I wrote this letter? Was this all about my memory loss? Why was Reich so uncomfortable talking to me about it?

R: „Soviet?"

S: „Yes, Reich?"

R: „I-I uh... Scheiße.."(Shit)

S: „I wrote this before my memory loss, didn't I?.."

Reich just nodded. Had I already Confessed to Reich? I lost myself in my toughts and replayed the situation in my head. I took out my Notebook and went trough all my notes about my memories. I looked at Reich and asked him a question, which made him open his eyes wide- And i mean REALLY WIDE.

S: „You know who attempted to killed me, do you..?"

R: *sigh's* „Well. I do know. But... well.. you can't know about them, it will traumatize you, Soviet."

I found it weird. How was it going to traumatize me? I really wanted to know who attempted murder on me. How was I going to know tough?

Reich's POV:

I really want to tell Soviet. I really mean it but I'm scared. I know exactly how it's going to go: I tell him, He is shocked, he hates me- DONE! RELATIONSHIP DESTROYED. And I can't even tell him the reason I had to. It would lead to him dying. I remember we were in the same Car. Soviet probrally knows, for who the letter was. I felt in my pocket. My grip tightened around the box. I turned to Soviet and looked at his Ushanka. What if i managed to sneak it in there? With some small note which said : 'for Reich' maybe he will remember himself then. Then I won't have to tell him. But I would be such an ass for not wanting to tell him myself in such a serious situation. I think I have to tell him. Tonight.

Third Person POV: (Timeskip to the next Warzone)

Reich and Soviet hadn't talked since the letter incident. Whilst Reich was more worried, Soviet was embarrassed. (Soviet's POV:) Reich has kept this letter since ww1... Thats months ago! So the entire time he wasn't in a bad mood but.. worried about.. me?! Soviet couldn't help but giggle quietly. Reich was worried? BECAUSE OF THIS LETTER-? Then i realized I HAD WROTE the letter. I immediatly shut my toughts about Reich. I probably looked like a fool. Oops- Wait. If Reich was embarrassed about me reading the letter, doesn't it mean that Reich, THIRD REICH or TR short... I paused. DOES HE LIKE ME BACK? I screamed in joy, making some of the nearby soldiers stare at me. I nervously laughed it off. I returned to my straight face- but innerly My Mind was a HUGE MESS. Toughts threw themselfs into eachother and I somehow managed to think trough. I had to focus. We still had go win war. I went to my tent. I'm gonna make Reich blush REAL, REALLY HARD. I laughed quietly. I really loved, imagining Reich being embarrased. I jumped innerly. Then I litteraly ran out of my tent, to find some flowers.

I found some really nice, long flowers behind a bush. I picked up a lot of roses and tulips- ALL RED Then i just giggled. I went back to our tent. Then I just waited for Reich to come into our tent.

Reich's POV:

I was really tired. A lot had happened today and Soviet looked confused. (Not that he showed emotions a lot) but today he showed some😨. I just wandered around the campsite and looked around for possible Polish Soldiers. I stared into the Sunset, seeing dim light back there. Our Soldiers were planning an attack there mid night. So I should rest a little. I went over to mine and Soviet's tent. I took a few deep breaths before entering the tent. What if Soviet is still awake? That would be extremely awkward . I took a few deep breaths and slowly opened the entrance. Soviet was awake.

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