Chapter 3: The Rose

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Soviet pov:

Soviet found his door wasn't locked. He grabbed Reich and litteraly threw him out of the car, jumping right after. Then everything went black.
Soviet slowly woke up. His legs were hurting. He slowly opened his eyes to see Reich Unconscious Infront of him. Reich was seriously injured. He must have hot his head against a Rock, since his head was bleading A LOT. Soviet blinks a few times before he slowly trembles to stand up. Immediately a sharp pain shot trough his leg, and he fell down. 'Hell nah' He thought. 'I have to get me an Reich outta here. Its an open space, dangerous for Reich since he usually had to be under serious protection. He gathered all his strength to get up. He bit his lips, feeling the pain shoot trough his legs. 'I have to carry that Fucker with me.." He thought, as he trembles to Reich.

Soviet falls over, falling on Reichs Chest. His Hands held him, from completely falling to ground but his face was baredly an inch infront of Reich's. He blushed, rolling to the side. This shit will take a while.. He tought

Reich's POV:

'Oh god my head is aching.' He remembers Soviet pushing him out of the car, his Head hit something hard, then black. 'I really need to find those fucking bastards.' He opened his eyes, realizing he was in a shelter. Soviet was laying beside him, facing eachother. Reich stared at him 'I wonder where I am and what happened earlier at my mansion...' He thought 'Soviet looked confused.. I never saw him like that.' Suddenly He hears screaming and gunshots. 'Oh fuc-'

He ran outside, seeing his and Soviets Soldiers fighting for their Country. Bodies. Piles of dead bodies laying around. From Poland, Ussr and Tr. Reich couldn't move. So many deaths.. he hated war but he had to get back the land, Poland had stolen. He regretted attacking France and declaring war deeply. He wouldn't listen to that Hitler dude anymore. It was all his fault. He would make sure he regretted even living. He was happy tough, that he decided not to attack Soviet first. Without him he would have lost war immediately.

Flashback to ww1: He looked in Soviets eyes, seeing him bleed out. The sword in my hand slipped and fell to the floor, as i realised what i had done. I was in a state of shock. Seeing Soviet fall to ground. I was a horrible person. I promised myself, I would be better in future... or at least I hoped. (Flashback end)

I looked back in the Tent to see Soviet asleep. He has scars from our previous war. I had hit him multiple times in the face, making sure he felt weak.

Flashback (again-): I shivered in the memories of him laying helpless on the ground. Not wanting to give up. I remember a letter and a box slipping out of his pocket. I had picked both up. In opened the box to find a Ring. A ring.. I held my hand before my mouth. I immediately opened the letter, looking at Soviet's eyes. Looking down. The letter had words in them. More like some Notes. It had beautiful words. Words describing how much u love someone. My eyes froze. A tear rolled down my cheek. I..I had betrayed him. I kneeled down, slowly putting the box back. „You don't deserve someone like me.. you deserve better.." Soviet fainted and i called the medic. He woke up a few days later in a hospital and had memory lost. I was relieved that he survived, but I couldn't overcome the feeling of guilt. I know, I am the bad guy. But I didn't want to loose him. At the same time I had my reasons to stab him. Reasons no one would ever hear from.. or so at least i tought.

Soviet's POV: I woke up with a slight headache. I couldn't rest though. I had a war to finish. My Vision got slightly blurry, as I saw a box with a ring and a bloody knife pop up in my head. I held my Head and slowly got up. Probably some war and Proposal memories. I got my notebook and wrote down those memories, making sure, I wont forget them again. I walked out of my tent to see Reich sunk in memories. Probably day dreaming about beer- or maybe his dead soldiers. I got in my uniform and a shotgun. I threw Reich a weapon in the face „quit day dreaming Идиот"(idiot) Reich looked me in the eyes, then he forced a smile. Weird. We both went to fight on the side of our soldiers. We had managed to kill the Polish Soldiers one by one, making sure the coast in this area was clear. Tired, everyone went to their tents. It had been 3 days. No one had slept in those 3 days. I felt happy, looking around for Reich. But he was nowhere to be found. I walked around, to find him staring at the battlefield, deep in thoughts.

S: „Are you alright, Reich?"
R: „uh yeah ig.."
S: „Which Idiot do u think is gonna believe u-?"
R: „No one probably."

I looked at him, whilst he just stared. He hadn't moved an inch. So i just stared at him. I scanned him from top to bottom. 'He was kinda cute ngl' I just stared. 'WHAT DID I JUST SAID?! Ah nvm its just facts. I really need to stop lying to myself-' I giggled 'oh shoot-'

R: „Why are you laughing?"
S: „Eh- Nothing really don't worry"

I turned around and ran off. I was gonna surprise that shithead.

Reich's POV:
I heard Soviet run off. I continued staring at the battlefield. I couldn't hurt him.. Not again. He ks exactly like the old Soviet. Kind, Funny, really nothing to complain about. I sighed. 'I soul go back now' I walked past the bushes, to mine and Soviet's tent. I just wanted to enter the tent, as I felt something cover me. A blanket? Something I didnt know, but it was definitely warm. Thats when it hit me. THE POLISH ARMY WAS GONNA KIDNAP ME. I screamed:

?: „Sush, idiot."

The voice was muffled, so i couldn't really understand it. I had no other choice but to try and protect myself. I took a few breaths and spreaded my wings. My Wings had Immediately cut trough the wool and I could see a cliff and the moon. No signs of anyone.

?: „Hello there sir, could have almost hit me with ur goddammit wings-"
R: „Alright Entschuldigung"(sorry)
S: „No problem Reich. Now close ur eyes."

I closed my eyes and felt Soviets hands draging me to a spot, then turning me. I heard him walk around me, then Silence.

S:„Open ur eyes!"

I took a few breath, before opening my eyes. What had Soviet planned? I gasped to see what was right infront of me. Soviet..

But he was holding a Rose..

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