Chapter 7: United Colonies

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Soviet's POV:

I felt my Head pounding, as I slowly opened my eyes. What happened. I couldn't move my arm's, due to whatever Colonies had sprayed in my Body. I slowly gained my Senses and managed to finally open my eyes. It was really dark here. One single light above me was shining straight onto me. „Ебать.." (fvck) I whispered. My head was still pounding and any Sounds from my surroundings were barely hearable. I tried Turning around, but I couldn't. I looked to my left, to see one table. One single table? »Whoever lives here, really isn't a fan of decorating.« I scoffed. I felt something pressed against my wrists and slowly turned my head. So thats why I couldn't move. I was tied onto a chair. Behind me was a Person, but I couldn't recognise them, due to my blurry vision. I struggled to breathe a little.

S: „Stupid Ropes.."

?: „Oh so you are already awake.."

I tought I was talking to Colonies, due to my head (again) still pounding. I just coughed, within the lack of oxygen. I coughed for a good half Minute.

?: „Can you shut up, I'm trying to sleep.."


R: „No shit sherlock, I am alive- on second thought nvm. I'd rather be dead.."

S: „I-is ur wing alright..?"

R: „My wing got CHOPPED OFF! Do you think it's alright? Dude let me sleep in the last hours of life."

S: „Last hours?"

At that Moment I heard a small chuckle from the corner of the horrible lightened room. Was that Colonies? The Person came into the dim light, uncovering his face.

S: „On second tought, i prefer not seeing ur face. It gives me real bad vomit vibes."

At that moment I felt something touch my cheeks, them my cheeks burned a little. A slap. Worth it tough. I looked up, to see Colonies angered face expression. Nothing new to me. I have never been his favourite after all, he claimed a few years ago. We both go way back. Even tough he hates me, deep innerly I wouldn't have expected him secretly teaming up with Poland.

S: „Where are your teammates? I disbelief you kidnapping 2 Countries alone."

Uc: „Actually my mission is Undercover Soviet."

Colonies sighed, you could see, whatever he was about to tell us, was bothering him deep down. Poland's flag flashed infront of my eyes. He was thinking about him. And I knew it.

S: „He died didn't he?"

Uc: „Yes he did. I never found him near the main tent after id had burned down."

S: „It's because he burned within the tent. He was too late, Colonies. He died and its deserved."


S: „He didn't even think about helping his Soldiers in war. So he died a painful death in return."

Uc: „Soviet, no one deserves death. Mostly if those people have a child."

S: „Some people deserve death."

R: „P-people l-like y-you.."

I was shocked. What did Reich mean, People like Colonies? What had happened? What happened between those 2? Then I felt my eyes blur a little (YES AGAIN), before I felt Flashbacks of memories come up. This time it wasn't about the Warzone and Reich stabbing me, but about Reich having to leave mid war or mainly him going somewhere.

Uc: „Oh Reich.. how about you tell Soviet, what has happened between us.."

I looked over my shoulders, to Reich who was tied to a chair, facing the opposite direction of me. He didn't show any reaction.

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