First messages

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Peter help.
Answer me
Did u die?
Peter hurry up
I just spilt coffee on some old woman and she looks like she's going to hit me with her walking stick...
Peter answer me I'm stressing out here

      1st of all I'm not Peter
2nd of all who are you
And 3rd of all how on earth did  you spill coffee n som old woman and please tell me you apologised

Peter come on stop lying I don't have time. For this

I'm not peter and have you apologised to the old person yet?

Are you seriously not peter?
I'm starting to think your not

Do I sound like a peter to you?

No not really
See you later stranger I think the old woman's gonna kill me...
Anastasia pov
I turn my phone off and slip it int my coat pocket.  I glance to the corner where the old lady is sitting and see her looking like some sort of old animal searching for prey. I gulp internally even though I'm not that scared because she can't even walk properly with her walking stick so she'd hardly be capable of chasing me. I stand up and walk in the direction of the bathroom completely forgetting that's where tho old woman is. She gives me a death stare the entire Time I walking into the bathroom until the door shuts. I sigh and stare intensely into the mirror before walking back out and heading towards my seat when SMACK she shoves her walking stick in front of me and trips me up . I go flying to the ground my face slamming int the hard wood.I groaned as I stood up looking over at the old woman who sat there grinning at me. I just sighed and walked out of the coffee shop. I walked a few blocks away from the shop and sat down on the nearest bench when I got a notification from my phone

Did the old lady kill you?

No but I'm pretty sure I broke my nose.
Also why did you message me back I didn't think you would.

To be fair I didn't think I would message you back either but you are quite interesting.
And how did you break my nose and why am i not surprised?

I walked into a door and you can't be that surprised given the fact that you've only known me  less than 15 minutes

Mhmmmm sureee (sarcasm)

No need for the sarcasm by the way are you some 60 year old pedophile because if you are i should probably stop texting you

No I'm not a pedophile kid

Ok good 2 know and I'm not a kid anyways do you have a name?

I do but I'm not in a million years giving it to some kid i met 15 minutes ago

Yeah i guess that makes sense

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