Stark industries pt 2

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Peppers pov
Since Tony was getting anew intern i collected all the resumes/exams and brought them to his office because he needs to read through them so i brought them to his office and placed them on his desk while he groaned and started looking through them.

Tonys pov
As i was reading through the resumes/exams that pepper brought me and locked me into my office to read through them. As i was reading through them Clint and Nat knocked my door down and grabbed them all off my desk. I shrugged fine with it since i didn't want to read through them in the first place.

A half an hour later they came back and placed two exams on my desk. I look up at them confused while Clint says " since we are such good friends we chose two perfect interns for you." Nat nodded and said "yeah take a look at those and tell us what you think". I look down at the papers in front of me a 14 year old girl (almost 15) and a 16 year old boy. They both got 100% test scores and they both have very high IQ. Pepper will probably kill me but i have t give both of them the job i mean they're perfect.

Natasha's pov
When me and Clint found out the two kids want the stark internship we knew we had to help them out so thy would get it.

After we gave Tony their tests we sat in the living room for what felt forever Tony finally came in and said "thanks for the help guys these two are perfect for the job I'm gonna send an email to their school to let them know in a few minutes" and he then left the room most likely to send an email. Once he lift me and Clint started jumping on the couches high-fiving in pure happiness.

Anastasia Pov
When biology class was starting the speaker came on "can peter Parker and Anastasia please come to the office and bring your stuff"
I look at peter to see he's already looking at me. We grab our stuff and go to the office where the principal is waiting for us. "Congratulations to the both of you. You have both gotten the stark internship." Me and peter started jumping up and down and fist bumped "you two will leave with mr hogan who will drive you both to the tower" he said "thank you sir" me and peter said at the same time. Me and peter leave school and sit on the stairs while waiting for mr hogan. After about 5 minutes a black Ferrari pulls up and a man is in it and he's frowning he doesn't look happy at all. "Are you peter and Anastasia?" He asks us. " yes sir" we both say " get in" he says bluntly. We both hop in the car and put our seatbelts on then enter speaks up and says "we should tell the group" my eyes light up after he says that and i nod

Miss spider lady

Mr flappy bird
Are you okay?

He's fine just shocked

Miss spider lady
Why is he shocked


Miss spider lady
I don't know you're gonna have to tell me or we'll be her for a while.

Okay fineeeee


Mr flappy bird

We got the internship

Miss spider lady
Both of you?


Miss spider lad
Well done kids you both deserve it I'm so proud of both of you

Thank you miss spider

After miss spider said she was proud of us I got this weird feeling in my stomach as no one has ever told me that before. Peter must've noticed because he smiled at me and rubbed my back making me feel better. We messaged miss spider and mr flappy bird and said our goodbyes as we pulled up at stark tower. We said goodbye to mr hogan and got out and just stood outside the tower and admired it until mr hogan beeped at us and told us to hurry up.

Peters pov

We go inside the tower and go to the front desk. And a lady sitting behind the desk says " hi can i help you?" "Yes were mr starts interns" Anastasia says "okay what are your names" the lady asks " I'm peter Parker and that's Anastasia"i say "any surname Anastasia?" The lady says "no" Anastasia says. She nods and says " okay here are your badges just go into the elevator and ask JARVIS to take you to the intern floor where mr stark will be waiting for you" "thank you ma'am" we both say at the same time and walk to the elevator and hear the woman laughing at us.

We were heading to enter the elevator when Anastasia stops and looks at a vent "did you hear that?" He asks i shake my head no and she just narrows her eyes at the vent and says "you can come out we know your in there." I just stared at her like she was going mad until Hawkeye jumped out from the vent.

Clint's pov
I was chilling the vent since i was bored and Nat was doing some boring paperwork. When i was crawling through the vents i came across two kids. I hear the girl say "you can come out we know you're in there" i was shocked but jumped out of the vents. The boy looked shocked but the girl just stared at me. I looked over to the girl and was shocked to see a baby Nat staring at me. "How did you know i was up there?" I ask " the vents were creaking" she replies i nod and ask "what's your names?" This time the boy speaks up and says "I'm peter and this is Anastasia"and that's when it hit me these our the kids from the grouch at. Our kids. I knew i needed to go tell Nat so i just said " well I'm Clint nice to meet you" and jump back into the vents.

When i find Nat i jump out of the vents "did you meet them?" She asked "more like they found me when I was in the vents" i tell her, she looks at me confused and says "how?" "I don't know but she is literally a baby version of you. Im not even joking about how similar you two are" i say and she breaks into a smile.

Anastasia's PoV
When Hawkeye jumped into the vents i look at peter and say "that was weird" he just nods and drags me to the elevator. Once we were in the elevator a voice spoke up and said "please state your name and destination" peter speaks up and and says "peter and Anastasia and were headed to the intern floor" the elevator started moving and i look at peter and said "you ready" "as ready as i can be" he replied. I nod and we reach the top floor and the elevator doors open. A man comes up to us and says " are you lost" "it depends is this the intern floor" i say
"Yes it is are you two interns" he asks "yes" me and peter say at the same time. Okay go sit at that table over there and ill give you two a question new interns get to try to answer. So far no one has answered it" he states and hands us the paper.

We look at it for a while until i decide to speak up and say "your question is unsolvable" he looks at me like I'm crazy and says "what" "your question is unsolvable" peter says this time. "You can't add the 82% without having the other 18 % which you haven't put down anywhere"
I say "if you did it correctly the answer would be 28%" peter says while i nod "you kids have no clue what you're talking about y'know what you're both fired!"he yells at us "since when was that up to you Brian" Tony stark comes out of nowhere and yells at the man. "Y'know what you're fired get the hell out of my building" he yells again Once the guy leaves mr stark turns and looks at us.
"You two come with me"

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