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Anastasia's Pov
As I'm lying against the wall i just stare at the old woman. She walks behind the stairs and grabs her box of torture as i call it.she cuffed bot my hand together and then hooked them above my head to the nail sticking out of the wall. I felt warm blood run down my head probably from the fall.she picks up a belt and starts walking it all over my body. She then grabs her can once again and walks me across my face already feeling a bruise form on my cheek. I don't say anything as to not annoy her. She uncuffs me and tells me to go to my room. I nod and run up the stairs wanting to get away as quick as possible. Not wanting to stay at the orphanage i climb out my window nod get a shadow to carry me to peters. As im on my at I text peter to make sure its okay for me to come over.
Is ms may at work?

Ya why?
Are you okay?

Can i come over please
Miss McCracken happened

Come on over
Is it bad?

Not as bad as the other times but I don't wanna stay there

Ill get the first aid kit see you soon

See ya
I put my phone in my pocket and look up to see I'm on the roof of peters apartment. I climb down the ladder and in his bedroom window to see him already sitting with a first aid kit in his hand.

Peters Pov
When i saw Ana i grab her hand and sit her on my bed.i got rubbing alcohol and a plaster and put it in the cuts on her face.i did it unite quickly and then told her "there's nothing i can do for the bruise on you cheek the plasters aren't big enough to cover it" she just sighs and nods. I check the time to see its midnight so i grabbed one of my hoodies and threw it to her. She went to the bathroom and put it on while i got into bed and moved over so there was space for her. Once we were both settled i heard her say "thanks Pete" "anytime Ana goodnight" i replied before drifting to sleep
*the next morning*
I woke up to see Ana just staring at the ceiling. "Did you die?' I ask "do i look dead dumbass" she asks "when you stare at the ceiling like that yes you do look dead" i say back she just rolls her eyes and gets out of bed. "Someone's not a morning person" i tell her "what would you know bout the morning hen you sleep through most of it" she says bursting into a fit of laughter as i o the same. She steals my aunt mays jeans and another on of my hoodies while i make us breakfast. Once were ready to leave we eat breakfast on the way to the internship. I look overly and see her bruise has gotten worse but I don't say anything in case i make her feel bad. Once we reach stark tower we go straight to the intern floor to be met my mr stark. "There you two are i thought you got lost since you weren't in my lab" he says "but since were interns wouldn't we b working on the intern floor?" I ask him "no you two are special and are my personal interns which means you work with me and sometimes Bruce banner in my lab" he tells us

Once were at his lab he walks over to the table and grabs two lanyards "here these are avenger passes since your my personal interns you get personal passes" he tells us whilst putting them on us. We work for about 2 hours before miss romanoff comes in.

Natasha's pov
I wanted to see the kids and i had no paperwork left so i went to see them. When i stepped up of the elevator the first thing I noticed were the bandages and massive blue and purple bruise on Anastasia's face. "Tony you don't mind if i steal Anastasia for a minute do you?" I ask "no work away" he tells me too invested in his project to care. I signal for her to come with me and take her to my room and sit her on the edge of my bed. I go to the bathroom and grab the first aid kit out of my cabinet above my sink. I walk out with it and shut down to her height and lift her chin slightly so i can get a better look. "Wanna tell me what happened" i ask her "i fell" she replied quickly i stare at her for a moment then say "I'm a trained assassin and avenger do you think I'm stupid this doesn't happen with just a fall" she doesn't speak again so i replace her bandages and put an ice pack on her cheek since it looks swollen. "Wanna tell me what really happened" i ask again but she just shakes her head so i sigh and open my arms and say "okay, come here" she crawls into my lap and i wrap my arms around her small body and rest my chin on her head. We just sit there in comfortable silence for a bit before going back to the labs

Anastasia's pov
When we get back to the labs i sit next to peter once again and we work for another half hour before mr stark announces "i think that's enough work for one day lets go get some food yeah?" "Ok" me and peter say at the same time. We clear up our working space and go down to the kitchen where we see miss romanoff making a pb&j sandwhich "hey kids you're just on time want one?" She asks us and we both nod and sit on the stool on the counter which peter has to help me on to because I couldn't reach. Miss romanoff put 2 plates in front of us one for me and one for peter. Peter finished his sandwich and i ate a quarter of mine. When i said i was done. Miss romanoff looked at me wondering why i ate so little when she said "4 more bite Anastasia" "but-" i said but was cut off by miss romanoff saying "don't argue with me" i groaned and ate five bites then handed the plate to miss romanoff who rubbed my back and said "good girl" we both thanked miss romanoff for he sandwich when mr stark said "okay kids its getting lte so go home and get some sleep and maybe tomorrow you two can stay the night as long as your parents are okay with it" "okay thank you mr stark and miss romanoff" me and peter say at the same time and we leave and i go back to the orphanage and for once sleep with a smile on my face.

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