The news

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⚠️warning-rape and abuse coming up ill tell you when it over if you want to skip⚠️

Anastasia pov

When she was done screaming at me she started hitting me nonstop til i was black and blue. She then proceeded to say "you deserve to do. No one will ever want to don't a worthless little shit like you" and that's when the worst thing in the world happened to me. she dragged me to the basement and threw e down the stairs then locked the door. When i fell to the bottom i was met by two men one of them then said. "Now look what we have here" and the other man grabs my hair forcing me to look up at him "looks like we have a helpless little slut. They both start pulling there clothes off whilst i lay there feeling helpless. They then undress me and I'm too weak to fight back then the second mean forces his dick inside of me making me scream and kick him only to receive a punch in the face from the first guy. I end up giving in and stop fighting letting them do whatever they want to do to me

After an hour of our torture they finish and get dressed leaving me laying in the basement. After that i it my clothes on and limp to my room and lay on my bed crying. I decided to distract myself by texting the group chat.
⚠️rape and abuse over⚠️



Miss spider

Mr flappy bird
Hello there

Ana are you ready for the science test tomorrow

We have a Science test

Miss spider
Anastasia you need to be more prepared for these things

I know there's just a lot going on right now

Mr flappy bird
What do you mean?

Did she do it again

She did a lot worse this time but it doesn't matter its nothing

Miss spider
I don't believe its nothing

M flappy bird
Okay anyway why'd you text

I need a distraction and it is nothing

Miss spider
Birdbrain don't you dare

Mr flappy bird added ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ??? To the chat

Miss spider

Miss spider changed ??? To mr smash
Miss spider changed ??? To mr capsicle
Miss spider changed ??? To mr poptart
Miss spider changed ??? To mr trash can
Miss spider changed ??? To mr zoom
Miss spider changed ??? To ms jacket theif

Miss spider
You use nicknames and nicknames only in this group you can talk now

Mr smash
Who are the two people

Mr capsicle
Why do we have another group chat

Mr poptart
Do any of you know where the poptarts have been placed

Mr zoom
Why can't we use our names

Ms jacket theif
Are these new friends?

Mr trash can
Can you please change my name

no can do mr trash can

Mr trash can
Why not?

Because if miss spider tells us to call you that then we will

Miss spider
This group chat was made so we could talk and get to know each other better

Miss spider
My kids do as i say and no cursing as they're only 14 and 15

We have heard swear words before y'know

Miss spider
I don't care you shouldn't be using them now we will
talk tomorrow but its bedtime now since you have school tomorrow

Okay goodnight everyone

Yes ma'am goodnight

Mr flappy bird
Night guys

Mr capsicle

Mr zoom

Miss jacket theif
Sleep well

Mr smash
Night kiddos

Mr trash can
Goodnight kids

Mr poptart
Goodnight dear humans

Miss spider
Sweet dreams kids don't forget to text tomorrow


And in the click of a finger i was alone in this hell hole of an orphanage alone with my thoughts and pain to face another sleepless night. I just grabbed my bunny teddy bear who's arm was falling off and attempted to go to sleep.

Peters pov

Anastasia been acting weird all day. She's not paying attention she didn't even do the science test she just laid her head on the desk. I started getting really worried and didn't know what do so i thought i should just ask what's wrong. "Hey Ana you haven't seemed like yourself today"i Said with a hint of sadness seeping into my voice "yeah I'm fine just a bit tired i guess" she said and her ears went red and she scrunched her nose slightly which is what happens when she lies but I decided to just leave it.

School ended and i was going to get ready for patrol when Anastasia tapped me on the shoulder and told me "I don't think i can do patrol today"

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