The avengers

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Tonys pov
When i told the kids to come with me i texted Bruce telling him to hide in the lab
Go hide in the lab


Just do it

Fine you owe me though

Yeah yeah whatever you say
Tonys pov
I lead the kids to the elevators and open the doors for them "JARVIS to the labs"i tell my AI "okay so we are going to my personal labs okay"

Anastasia pov
After mr stark too us where we were going peter held onto my hand so hard i thought it was gonna fall off. I held in my laughter at his excited expression. Mr stark must have noticed this because he leaned over to him and said "why so happy sunshine" to him in a joking manner which made peters face go beetroot red.

When the elevator door opened peter and mr stark walked out while I stood and observed the room i was in. "You coming kid?" Mr stark asked "yeah i said walking out. "Okay" he said staring at me before walking over to a whiteboard and grabbing a marker "no then, take a look at these questions and once you solve it come take the maker and write the answer and how you figured it out" he told us I took the marker and wrote 52 for the answer to the first question. He nodded at me then peter did the 2nd question and e just kept doing this until all the questions were solved. Mr stark stared at us shocked that we were able to get the answers.then Bruce banner walked out and we turned around to look at him to see he had the same expression as mr stark. "How did you get those answers we've been trying to figure those out for months" "they're actually quite easy" i told him. Tony can i borrow these two from you" Bruce asked Tony "yeah but be sure to give them back" Tony told him. Bruce nods and signalled us to follow him.

He took us to the elevator and we get in "JARVIS take us to the main room please" he says to the ceiling. The elevator starts moving and mr banner turns to us and says "you got names?" We nod and peter says "I'm peter and that's Anastasia". We get to the floor and he steps out beckoning us to follow. I walk behind peter while laughing at him because he almost tripped and i was that distracted i didn't even notice the room full of avengers.

Natasha's pov
All of the avengers plus carol, Kate, Helena and Maria were gathered in the main room talking when Bruce walked out of the elevator with two kids. The boy had almost tripped and the girl was laughing at him and it didn't seem likely they noticed us. Helena leaned over and whispered in my ear "holy shit Nat she looks just like you except...younger" I chuckled slightly and whispered "i know". When Bruce stopped walking he boy froze and clearly noticed us the the girl looked up slightly and hid behind the boy and Bruce. "Bruce who's the kid" Steve asked only seeing the boy since the girl was so short and well hidden behind Bruce and the boy who looked like giants compared to her. ""This is peter and Anastasia Tony's new interns" Bruce explained while stepping out of the way so we could see the girl. Everyone looked at the girl then at me then back to the girl.

Me and Clint look at each other knowing these are the kids from the group chat. Our kids. Anastasia is more like me then i thought. She has this unreadable expression on her face while she scans the room taking in her new surroundings whilst peter looks like his eyes are gonna" pop out of his head.

Peters pov
"How old are you two?" Pierrot asks us. I can tell Anastasia is uncomfortable so i answer "im 16 and Anastasia is 14" i look at ana and see her nod her head in miss maximoffs direction before saying "miss maximoff if you could please not read our minds that would be great" the witch looks taken aback as she says "how did you know" "your eyes were glowing and fingers were wiggling" i tell her while she still looks confused. "Well why don't you sit with us so we can get to know you better" miss Romanoff says to us. I nod and go sit next to mr Barton while he ruffles my hair. Anastasia stands awkwardly before miss romanoff beckons her over. She looks hesitant but still goes over and takes a seat between miss romanoff and miss Belova.

Natasha's pov
Anastasia takes a seat between me and yelena but she seems hesitant so i put my arm around her and I feel her whole body tense but i keep my rm there and rub her shoulder with my hand. After 5 minutes she relaxes and i smile at her and she returns the gesture as i push her head into my shoulder. I look up and see yelena smiling at us as i smile back at her. "Ok so tell us what are your full names" Thor says "mines peter Parker" peter says happily. "Im Anastasia" Anastasia says. "What's your full name" Pietro asks "that is my full name" she replies back. Everyone just nods and we continue to ask questions for hours. "What time is it" peter asks out of the blue "its 8:43" Clint tells him. Anastasia jumps up from beside me and peter does the same as they run to the elevator. "It was nice meeting you all" peter says "see you tomorrow"Anastasia responds just as the elevator was closing. We all look at each other confused before shrugging it off and going to do our own things. I walk to the window along with yelena, Clint and Kate as we watch the two kids full on sprint down the driveway.

Anastasia's pov
When i heard peter ask the time i realised i was over 40 minutes late so i knew i was done for and the punishment i was gonna get would be brutal.not wanting to be any later i start sprinting down the driveway and side streets until me and peter have to go our separate ways. We wave goodbye and i sprint the rest of the way to the orphanage.when i walk in I'm met by a fuming ms McCracken standing in the hallway looking fuming. I just gulp as she starts screaming "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STUPID BITCH GOING OUT DOING GOD KNOWS WHAT THEN COMING AT THIS TIME SLUT ILL SHOW YOU" she then grabs me by my ponytail and takes me to the basement stairs and whacks her cane at the back of my knees making me tumble Down the long flight of stair s and hit my head against a nail sticking out of the wall. I yelp in pain but just sit there knowing there's nothing i can do. Once she reaches the bottom step sh puts the can under my chin and brings it up to make me look at her. "Ill teach you a lesson slut"

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