Orphan to daughter

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Anastasia pov

It was adoption day which meant i had to stay as far away from the orphanage as possible since miss romanoff will be there.

When me and peter reach school he decides to attack me with questions about if i thought about what he said "so did you?" He asks "did i what?" "Think about what i said" "yes i did actually" "wait really so what are you gonna do??" He asks with hope "I'm gonna do what i normally do. Go patrol after school go to the orphanage at the the time i normally would and if she's there she's there if she's not then... i guess she's not" i tell him and he nods

Time skip to lunch

"So what's going on with you guys?" Ned asks and i was planning on saying nothing much until peter cuts me off saying " Ana might be getting adopted" i give him the most deadly glare humanly possible and he just laughs "what are you laughing at?" I question "oh nothing just your death glare i mean don't get me wrong you are really scary when you don't try to be but when you do you look like a cute kitten" after his statement mj agrees saying "for once in his life peter is right" until she was cut off by Ned "okay whatever so back to you getting adopted" he says wiggling his eyebrows "its the same as always someone comes in stares at us like were some charity case then leaves with the best they can find or the person they pity the most" i state and everyone at the table just looks at me until Ned cuts the silence "yo Pete guess what i got a new star wars Lego wanna help me build it?" "Sorry probably can't I have the whole scholarship thing i need to do" peter says to Ned then the bell rings signalling us to go to class.

Time skip to end of school day

When chocolate ended we got our suits and went to our ally to change to patrol the city. While we were walking around waiting for something to happen we heard a scream. I got my shadows to fly e in the direction of the scream while peter swinged in the same direction. When we got there we saw a massive Russian guy in a white van trying pull some kid into his truck by their hair. I turn my shadows into a rope choking him from behind with it while peter swings peter grabs the kid and find their parents. I keep choking him until he passes out then the police arrive "how come y'all always arrive when the fightings done?" I query them "oh I don't let me take a wild guess maybe just the fact we can't move frickin  shadows or move things with our mind." An officer jokes so i joke back " you should try it some time its so much easier" she laughs and says " yeah yea now get lost and let us do our jobs" "sorry we already did it for ya"i say while getting shadows to carry me to peter. "Ready to go?" I ask him and he nods and tells me to follow him to the top of. Building where we sit for a while

Natasha's pov

I arrive at the orphanage and knock on the door to be greeted with a lady giving me the fakest smile humanly possible "you must be ms romanoff I'm miss McCracken we spoke on the phone the other day" she said extending her hand for me to shake, we shook hands "its lovely to meet you" I said lying through my teeth. Takes me through the orphanage and asks me "so what age are you looking for" "a teenager but at the age where they still need help looking after themselves" I tell her thinking about when I'm going to have my own child. "Ok that's perfect I have a few girls who fit your description, ill go grab them now" sh told me while standing up, I nodded as she walked away. She comes back and takes me to a plain room with a few seats around. A few minutes later a group of girls come in " okay so the youngest is 13 and older is 16 ill leave you to make your decision" she says and exits the room

After speaking with all the girls I don't feel a connection with any of them, I don't get that motherly instinct that I get when I'm with Anastasia. I was about to give up when long behold the one and only Anastasia walks through the doors looking at the floor.I see miss McCracken go over to her and I go closer to here what she's saying "you can't even come on time you little shit, your lucky we have a visitor 0r else you'd be in the basement as we speak understood?" She asks my kid "yes miss" she responds "good now go to the conference room its not like she's going to pick you anyway" by this point I was beyond mad but at the same time happy I get the adopt Anastasia.

Anastasia walks into the conference room and I walk over to her "your my child now" I tell her blankly "are you sure that doesn't seem like a good idea miss romanoff" she says looking around most likely for miss McCracken, I kneel down to her height since she was sitting on the floor and grab her face to get her to focus on me "honey I've never been so sure about anything in all my life, I've wanted you to be my kids since I first met you"I told her as she looked at me shocked "can I give you a hug" she asks and I nod, she wraps her arms around my neck and I pick her up going to miss McCracken office, I walk in and announce " I want to adopt Anastasia" "why would you want that brat of all people?" She asked a look of disgust on her face. I set Anastasia on the ground and lent in close to the older woman so only she could hear and whispered "if you ever talk about my daughter like that again i swear to god i will personally come and rip out your eyes and shove them down your throat" i pulled away from the desk and then asked "is there any paperwork needed?" The woman looked at me horrified making me smirk and stuttered. Silent "no" so i nodded and grabbed Anastasia's hand and led her out of the place.

Once we were outside i asked if she needed me to go back in and get any of hr stuff and she just said she had a teddy bear but it was i her bag so she had everything. I smiled at her and told her to get in the car.

Anastasia pov

I sat in the car still shocked about the fact that i got adopted. Why would she want me, there's so many other girls in there.
I watched as she got in the car and turned to me smiling and said "put your seatbelt on" i nodded and gave her half a smile before turning to click my seat belt in place whilst she did the same. "Okay i have some rules but ill only tell you one now and the rest when were home okay?" She asked me and i nodded smiling at the word home. "So the rule is you mus call me mom, mommy, mama whatever your comfortable with and that's starting now okay?" She asked and i nodded saying "yes miss- mama" she grinned at me and turned to face forwards and started driving.

I sat and thought to myself, i finally have a home...

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