The news- pt 2

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"What why?" Peter asks me confused i just lift up my hoodie showing him my now black and blue stomach "holy shit Ana do you need to go to the hospital!?" He asks panicking "no ill be fine. Ill go with you i just can't fight unless absolutely necessary" i tell him and he nods happy i was still going with him

2 hours later

After patrolling for an hour we had to go to the avengers tower. When we got there all the avengers were sitting on the couch looking at miss romanoff "go sit down kids" she tells us and starts talking again "so as you all may know I can't physically have a child so if i wanted one i would have to adopt so i have decided i want to adopt a kids so I'm going to miss McCracken girls home to look for a daughter" oh shit Anastasia thought she said into her head but was actually out loud "language Anastasia and what's the need to say that?" Miss romanoff asks looking at me. " i meant like oh shit I'm so happy for you" i said awkwardly. She didn't seem to believe me but played it off.

I decided to go to peters to stay not wanting to face miss McCracken for as long as possible. "So what are you gonna do?" Peter asks me "what?" I reply "about miss romanoff going to the orphanage" he states "erm well ill probably just patrol with you and try to avoid her" i tell him. He just shakes his head and says " are you really that stupid miss romanoff loves you she literally calls you a mini her and don't forget she called you her kid the other day do you really wanna throw away a chance at escaping that place and being happy Ana" after his little speech i just say "but you don't realise even if i was there, there is so many other girls that she could adopt why the hell would she wanna adopt me unless out of pity and I couldn't be a burden on her it would just make me fell worse" i sigh and peter just shakes his head once again unlocking the apartment door.

He throws me some a hoodie that goes to my knees so i walk to the bathroom and change into them then hop into the bed beside him. We sit and a comptroller silence until peter speaks up "Ana?" "Pete?" "At least think about letting miss romanoff adopting you...for me" he says and i sigh and give in "fine I'll THINK about it doesn't mean its gonna happen" i tell him raising my voice when i say think. He chuckles and we say our good nights before going to sleep with alot on my mind.

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