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Anastasias pov
It was Saturday morning and me and peter didn't have to go to the tower until 12 pm so we decided to patrol for a bit.

We were sitting on the roof of McDonald's sharing 20 chicken nugget when he asked "what are you gonna do when you get adopted?" "It doesn't really matter since I'm not gonna get adopted" i reply "think happy thoughts you will get adopted one day" he tells me "i guess i would just do what I'm told to do" i tell him and he nods. Once we've finished eating we go and fight crime for a bit then head to the tower

When we've arrived at the tower we say hi to the receptionist before heading to the elevator and say to JARVIS to take us to mr starts lab.
We walk out of the elevator laughing at a joke peter told me and mr stark gives us a weird look "morning mr stark" peter says "morning guys you ready for a fun day of work?" He asks sarcastically expecting us to say no "yes actually we are" i tell him and he just looks at us like were from a different planet "you guys are weird kids...but i actually think that's what i like about you" he tells us. "Anyway today you two are going to make your own AI except you'll be doing this all on your own with no help since i wanna see what you can do" he tells us and we nod

Whilst i was in the middle of making my AI miss romanoff walked in but I didn't noticed to interested i what i was doing until i felt something whack of my head. I grab my head and groan in pain.

Peters pov
Miss romanoff came into the labs when we were working and Ana was completely zoned out too interested in her work to notice anything so i threw a screw driver at her head causing her to groan and grab her head "shit are you alright" miss romanoff asked her looking at her head for injuries. I laughed knowing what Ana was going to do when she said "watch your profanity" i chuckled causing miss romanoff to glare at me and scold me saying "you can't go throwing tools around I don't wanna see you doing that again." I nod and say "yes ma'am" "good now lets get some food" she tells us grabbing ana's hand walking her out of the room me following behind with mr stark who put a hand on my back and lead me out of the room.

Natasha's pov
When the kids are in the kitchen they sit on the stools at the counter and i give them a bowl of pasta each. Peter ate his food whilst he worked whereas Anastasia just worked not acknowledging the food in front of her. While i was observing what Anastasia was doing i saw fresh blood run down the side of her head. She mustn't have noticed as she kept her head in her work. I sighed and grabbed a towel and walked over to her and grabbed her chin and moved her head too be in line with me. I hold the towel there for a few minutes until the bleeding stops then tell her "all done" she thanks me and goes back to working. Peter has already finished his food by now but Anastasia hasn't touched hers so i go and grab the pen and paper that's in front of her and she looks up at me like im crazy "eat half of the bowl of pasta then you can have your work back" i tell her, she hesitates but starts eating. She eats a quarter of her food and tells me she's full i nod and take her bowl and put it in the fridge in case she's hungry later. I then give her work back to her.

After an hour Tony comes in and says "alright guys I think we've done enough work for one day we can finish tomorrow morning. It's movie night so lets go" the kids put all their stuff away and I guide them to the living room where all the avengers are sat on the longs expensive couches. Anastasia and peter sit beside each other so I sit on the other side of Anastasia beside Clint. "Clint its your turn to choose the movie so what's it going to be" Steve asks "either of you two ever seen brave?" Clint asks the two kids, they both just shake their heads no and Clint gasps and says " okay were watching brave these kids need educated".

In the middle of the movie I feel a weight on my shoulder so I look down to see Anastasia sleeping on me and then peter staring at us amazed "why are you so shocked?" I whisper to him, he shakes his head and whispers back "its just ana doesn't really sleep at all never mind on a person she just met" I nod my head and smile wrapping my arms around the little girl asleep on me

By the time the movie was over peter had also fallen asleep on Tony and everyone else had gone to bed "should we carry them to the safe room?" I ask stark "yes but the only problem is there's only one bed" he states I just nod and say "it'll be fine they're best friends after all" as Tony is picking up peter I go to stand up when Anastasia clings to me. I shake my head and smile whilst bringing her up with me. Once she's in my arms a wave of concern goes over me at how like she is its like picking up a handful of grapes. I look and see Tony's already left with peter so I leave the room heading in the direction of the spare room. When I get their I see peter already in the bed and tony standing waiting for me to put Anastasia in the bed. When I put her in the bed and put the covers over her stark hd just left but before I left I planted a kiss on her forehead whilst tucking some hair behind her ear and felt my heart warm at how she smiled when I kissed her. I turned around to see Helen standing I the doorway grinning at me. I rolled my eyes while she laughed and walked away. As I was closing the door I glanced at Anastasia one last time before closing the door. I don't know how but I have fallen in love with this girl.

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