More school more pain

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Anastasia PoV
I was in the cafeteria with mj, ned and peter talking about Star Wars. They're my only friends, its not a lot but its all i need, plus i don't think i could handle the popularity of having lots of friends. As i was eating i started feeling really bad pains in my stomach. "Hey guys I'm just gonna go to the bathroom, ill meet you guys in class?" I said and in response i got "see you in class" "bye Anna" and " don't take too long I don't think i can handle professor Harrington class without you".

As i was walking to the bathrooms the pains died down so i thought they were gone and then out of nowhere they came back. I groaned internally and went into a stall in the bathroom. I pulled down my black jeans then my underwear and saw loads of blood. I started panicking thinking im gonna die. I don't know who i could get for help since class just started so I can't ask mj.... Mean ms spider could help i mean i do trust her.
Miss spider help me i think im dying

Miss spider
Okay calm down what do you mean your dying did someone hurt you?
Who do i need to kill?

You don't need to kill anyone its just something really weird
and scary is happening to my body

Miss spider
Im gonna need you to explain what's going on
Don't worry you can trust me

So i was in the cafeteria and i got pains in my stomach
So i went to the bathroom and my underwear has blood
all over them!!!

Miss spider lady
Oh honey you don't need to worry you just got your period

What exactly is that?

Miss spider lady
It basically means your body can have babies now

Wait what.
Im too young to have babies im only 14
I don't wanna be a teen mum no offence to any teen mum out there.

Miss spider lady
Oh dear god your too innocent for this your not pregnant its just when
you want to have a baby your body will now be able to

Ohhhh well that's a relief
But im still bleeding what do i do

Miss spider lady
You need a pad

And how am i supposed to be one I don't own any
And i have no money to buy them

Miss spider lady
Go to the office in your school or the nurses office
They should give you some

Okay ill go see if they have them
Update you soon!

Natasha Pov
I can't help but laugh at Anastasia. The poor kid just got her first period and in school. Im trying my best to help but I don't know a lot since I've never had my period before.

Peters pov
"Hey mj do you think Anastasia's okay she has been gone a while" i sadly to mj slightly worried "I don't know but if she doesn't come back soon imma go look for her." Sh replies back to me. I just nod my head hoping she's okay.

Anastasia's Pov
I go to the office first hoping they would have some because if they don't I don't know what ill do since the nurse isn't in today. I clear my throat and say "excuse me" to the lady. She looks up at me and smiles "do you have a pad by any chance?" I ask she nods her head and says" of course honey there in that pink box on your left take as many as you need." I say thank you and head to the box and take about three just in case i need more and head back to the bathroom. I then go onto my phone and message miss spider
I got a pad what. Do i do now

Miss spider lady
Unwrap it and stick it to your underwear


Miss spider lady
Ok that's you done kid good job
Now head back to class and get smart

Yes ma'am thank you

Miss spider lady
Any time sweetheart

Mj's Pov
Halfway through class Anastasia walks in but doesn't say anything just plops in the seat in the middle of me and peter while the teacher glares at her. "So where have you been" i ask "places." She replies. I sigh and don't ask anything else knowing she wont tell me.

Peters Pov
The bell finally rings so we can go home so i grab Anastasia's hand and drag her outside to our lockers while mj goes to find Ned. When we get to our lockers i ask "so where were you during class." "At the bathrooms" she replies. "You were gone for a while" i say "yeah no shit Sherlock" she replies back getting pissed off. "Sorry... i was just feeling sick" she replies further. I nod not wanting to question her any further. "We still going on patrol" i ask "obviously now hurry up spidey-boy" she tells me calling me that stupid nickname.

When we get far enough way from school we go find an empty ally and put our suits on. our hero names are spider man and shadow lady. Since i have spider senses and Anastasia has shadow manipulation. nothing was really going on so i climbed up a wall and onto a roof while Anastasia made a shadow to carry her up.once were up we decide to message the group .
We need to ask you something very important

Miss spider lady
Go for it

Mr flappy bird
Spill the tea

Who do you like more me or peter and you have
To have a reason

Mr flappy bird
Peter because Anastasia called me stupid

Miss spider lady
Anastasia because she's a mini-me


Yeah well miss spider likes me more and to be fair i was
Just stating facts about the stupid thing.
Btw peter i want my 10 dollars dipshit

Oh for fuck sake

Miss spider lady
Did you two seriously bet on my answer
And watch your language

Yes we did bet on your answer

Sorry miss spider and yes

Mr flappy bird
Did you guys bet on my answer too?

We gotta run see ya

In a while crocodile
Anastasia's Pov

We had to stop texting in the chat since there was some bank robbery across town. Peter sound along the buildings while i got a shadow to carry me over. Once we arrived peter chased after the van some of the bad guys were in while i went to fight the ones still in the building. I collected a few shadows and made a bow and arrow and aimed them at a few of them knocking them out. I had then formed a gun which i used to shoot the rest. I walked outside to see peter driving the van back and giving the police the money that was in there while taking the bad guys out of the van who were webbed up. We both then went to talked to the cops and when we were done it was about 3 am and since i didn't wanna go back to the stupid orphanage i have to live in i went to stay at peters since i need to borrow some of mays clothes anyway.

Natasha's pov
I looked over at Clint who had the same expression as me. "Isn't it a bit odd how they both left in such a hurry at the same time."he asked me. "Yeah" she replied. We both taped up waiting for another message from the kids but never got one. So. We're both worried and thinking of every scenario that could've happened to them.

(Thought id tell y'all Anastasia main power is shadow manipulation but she also has telekinesis although i didnt show that in this chapter)

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