The fight

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Peters pov

I woke up in a different place from where i fell asleep so i turn around to see where i am and see a person staring at me. I scream and fall of the bed getting read to attack the person only to hear laughing. I look up and see Ana pissing herself laughing. I groan and get up rubbing my eyes. "That wasn't funny Ana" i said sitting on the bed again "your right it wasn't funny it was hilarious" she said wheezing while i turn always from her "aww don't do that" she says composing herself while i just give her the silent treatment "fine i guess ill leave you alone in this random room without me" she then runs out of the room leaving me panicking since I don't know where we are

Anastasia pov

I run out of the room looking for any sign of where i am when i see miss maximoff walking down the hall and i realise I'm in the avengers tower and all of last night comes back to me. "Hey you lost?" She asks me sweetly "uh yeah I don't really know my way around here"i tell her "okay cmon ill take you to the kitchen and you can get some breakfast" she tell me and she must've heard my stomach rumble as she chuckled.

We reach the kitchen and i see miss Romanoff talking to mr Barton while drinking coffee she then turns around to see me and smiles and says "morning Ana did you you have a good sleep?" "Uh yeah it was good" i say lying through my teeth knowing i woke up at 2 am and didn't go back to sleep. She gives me this look and I don't say anything as i try to figure out what she's thinking but for some reason I can't. While we just look at each other peter then burst into the kitchen screaming "ANA YOU BITCH WHY WOULD YOU LEAVE ME IN THERE ALONE" i just laugh at him while he try's to catch his breath.

"Watch your language" mis romanoff tells him giving him a stern look. "Sorry miss romanoff" peter apologises "Its fine. Anyways what do you two want for breakfast?" Miss romanoff asks us. Me and peter just look at each other and shrug while she sighs and says "guess your having toast.

She makes the toast and gives us two pieces each. Once I'm halfway through my first piece i start to fell full and miss romanoff must've notice because she says "finish that slice and then you finished" whilst giving me a small smile. I force myself to finish it and then put me head on the table I'm sitting at.

Mr Barton says " we have training soon you guys can stay here or come watch" we both just nod and follow them t where they train miss romanoff asks "can you guys fight?" I nod while peter frantically shakes his head and i laugh at him "yes we can miss romanoff" i tell her "okay then its settled you and peter can go against each other. I grin since i love fighting against peter since I always win. Peter groans and stomps into the boxing ring type thing.

We were about to start when miss romanoff says "wait kids the rest of the avengers are coming down to watch. Once all the avengers were in the room we started

Natasha Pov

I get the rest of the avengers to come down and watch the fight because Anastasia full of surprises and i think the rest of the team will be interested to see what she can do. Once all the avengers get there we tell them to start

Peter tries to punch Anastasia in the face which she blocked by grabbing his fist and bending it backwards then she jumps and wraps her legs around his neck taking him down and holding him down until she taps out using me signature move. We all stand there staring at him until Tony breaks the silence says "that is literally a mini Nat" he then takes Ana and peter to finish up on their AI's

Anastasia pov

When mr stark said i was a 'mini nat' he took us up to his lab to finish our AI's i finished mine in about a half hour and decided to name it squid ward "so what are you naming it?" Peter asks me "his name is squid ward" I say proudly "who's squid ward?" Mr stark asks "my AI" i tel him. "You actually made one? I was joking I didn't expect 14 and 15 year olds to make them" He asks shocked "well surprise" i say awkwardly. He comes over and checks the programming i used then says "I'm going to try to hack it" i giggled to myself knowing he couldn't he try's and then his software completely shuts down "wha-how did you- did you do that?" He asks whil i now feel. Bit guilty " yes sir" i say looking at my hands "that's amazing no one's ever been able to hack into my system before y'know what you are my kids no-"he says before getting cut off my miss romanoff walk-in into the room and saying "too late stark their my kids" he groans and says "can we at least split them the least you can do it let me have peter" me and peter look at each other confused then back at the bickering adults "fine but there's now way in hell your getting Anastasia she's mine" she tell him "fine" he says to her

"Okay kids you two need to go home now for school tomorrow" she tell us and we nod and grab our bags to head home. Miss romanoff and mr stark walk us to the door and miss romanoff says "okay guys be safe" then mr stark says "yeah don't take candy from stranger" which causes me and peter to laugh. We both wave goodbye to them and head home. We walk about 10 minutes before we have to split ways.

When i got to the orphanage i knew things were gonna be bad so i decided to sneak in through my window. When i got in i placed my bag down only to be met with the door bursting open and a screaming miss McCracken and that's when i knew i would be sore tomorrow.

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