Stark industries pt 1

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Anastasia's Pov
While me and peter were in English the speakers went off letting us know the principal as going to speak "anyone in miss Pickerings English class who would like to do a test to see if they could get an internship for stark industries please come to my office immediately." The speaker announced. Me and peter looked at each other excitedly and jumped out of our seats and packed our stuff into our bag along with flash. He then started laughing at us then said "you guys can try but everyone knows you're gonna fail and even if you did pass the test its not like mr stark would want you two freaks as interns." I just rolled my eyes at him and walked out of the room along with peter.

Once we were in the principals office the principal beckoned us over and said " okay you three go take seats away from each other and ill hand out the tests you have 15 minutes." We walked to different seats away from each other and sat down. Once i got mine it was about how to make vibranium .
I already knew this because me and peter study all of Tony stark and Bruce banners inventions and stuff. So i answered mine it only took my about 5 minutes and then i placed the test back down on the table. I raised my hand and told the principal i was done him and flash looked at me shocked while peter wasn't even surprised by it since he knows I'm ahead of everyone else in my class.

After the last 5 minutes were up peter put his test on the table while flash was still trying to figure out his question. The principal came and took all our tests and then said "okay so Anastasia and peter you can stay so we can look over your test but flash I'm sorry but you have to leave since you didn't answer your question" flash just rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag and said "whatever I'm way better than Tony stark anyway I don't need his stupid internship"

We pulled to seats in front of the principals desk and then he said "okay so Anastasia we're gonna do yours first since you finished first then were gonna do peters". He looked over my test and said " well done you got 100%" me and peter high fives as he looked over peters then said "well done to you too peter you've both gotten 100% but this doesn't mean you've gotten the job because there's people from all over the world who have been done tests to try and get the internship so these will be sent to mr stark and he will decide in the next few days who gets the internship" me and peter hugged happy that we both got 100% and said thank you to the principal and walked back to class.

Peters Pov
The bell went off signalling the day was over so me and Anastasia went to our lockers to put our books away when i said "so since we both got 100% i think it calls for some ice cream. My treat?" She then says "now why would i turn down free ice-cream lets go." She starts dragging me down the corridor both of us laughing.we go to the icecream van that sits down the street from school and order chocolate brownie eve cream for Anastasia and chocolate mint for me.while we're eating our ice-cream i ask "should we tell the group chat about the tests?" "definitely" she replies back

Mr flappy bird

Miss spider lady
Cmon tell us

So get this. We were allowed to take this test to become interns
At stark industries!!!!

Miss spider lady
So did you pass

Yes we both got 100% on the test but it gets better

My flappy bird
Wow i didnt think it could get better cmon tell us

The school bully couldn't eve get the first question!

Yeah we only had 10 minutes but Anastasia's a smart ass
And finished hers in like 5 minutes isn't that mad

Miss spider lady
Wow only 5 minutes that is mad what were the questions?

Well mine was about the Riemann hypothesis so pretty simple
What about you peter?

Mine was about thermodynamics
And what do you mean simple I would have cried if i got that question

Mr flappy bird
Why would you have cried if you got her question?

Because its one of the most difficult math topics out there

Well yours was pretty difficult too so good job on getting
And it wasn't even that hard

Mr flappy bird
Okay you guys are breaking my brain can we please stop talking
About maths

Miss spider lady
That's not possible you don't have a brain to break


Mr flappy bird
So what's the internship for

Miss spider lady
They already told us

its to work for stark industries
And we might even get to meet the REAL mr stark

Peter loves mr stark

Miss spider lady
We work in SI maybe we'll see you guys there

Seriously. That. Would. Be. so. Cool.


Miss spider lady
So we know peter loves Ironman but who do you like
More Anastasia?
Black widow or Hawkeye

I have to say black widow
Natasha pov
"HAHA TAKE THAT CLINT" i screamed at Clint "yeah yeah whatever" he mumbled into his coffee mug, while the whole team just stared at us confused.
Mr flappy bird

Peter wanna explain

I would love to.
It is because she is an absolute badass and she is a short redhead like our little ana.

Miss spider lady
No way do you look like the black widow

Yeah she honestly looks like her daughter

Mr flappy bird
That's so cool

Miss spider lady
Yes it is but its now 10 pm so you two kids have to go to bed for school
In the morning.

Yes mommm

Miss spider lady
Don't start me

Yes ma'am

Sorry ma'am

Mr flappy bird
goodnight kiddos

Night night

Clint's pov
After saying goodnight to the kids i turn my phone off and look at Nat. "She's seriously your kid nat she has the exact same personality as you and she also looks like you" i say while watching a smile form on her face. "I know but they called me short" she frowns while i laugh. "I mean they weren't wrong." I say while she glares at me "but in all seriousness it was hilarious how scared they were of you when you acted like a mom and scolded them." I said while laughing " it was wasn't it" she says while we both laugh

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